About Me

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Anne Thompson, Author, born in Orange County California in 1967 and raised in magical Flowering Dogwood, Show-Me- Mid-Western state of Missouri. Anne received her education from the University of Central Missouri in English Education, Creative Writing and Communication. She is married with three grown children and four Grandchildren. Anne is a self-published Author of the Five-Star Rated thriller “VISIONS” available at Amazon.com. http://tinyurl.com/bu66w8h Anne used to be an aspiring writer until a traumatic event exploded her life into a million pieces. Her goals were to bring you articles that would, take you away for a minute, shock you, make you laugh, make you go “Oh Yeah, I get that!” and to inspire. Her life used to be an adventure every day. Her life has changed and with those changes her life became a very bumpy ride. She wanted you to come along because her adventures were sure to guarantee many surprises. But, lives change. You are still welcome to come inside her mind…only if you dare.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mountains Be Moved!!

In a valley of mountains we stand true and strong and our battle cry will be heard throughout the land.....Charge!

Still trying to move mountains we struggle forth but at least moving forward. That is the key...always pushing forward. Thompson Trucking Co. has surrendered to Baja Trucking. Yes, we have been W-2'd. That means we have opted for employment with another company until we can work up the capital we need to move forward towards our dream of owning a very large car. A semi to be exact with a 155” sleeper where I can write while Jeff drives and makes the mu-la. I like the life. My house will be making money and that is cool. That is the dream.

So getting back into the hang of living the life out here on the road was not as hard as I thought it would be after not being out here for several years. Jeff, Baby and I sort of just picked up right where we left off. Even Baby, my dog remembers what she can and can not do out here and is so happy just to be with us.

But......I have a dream....and that dream is a (pause for effect) BATHROOM inside my truck. Yes! That is my dream and let's not forget a most amazing job driving for someone who has a famous lifestyle that will get me to all the places I want to go and write about and allow Jeff to get paid to take me. Don't laugh at me. I am serious about this. So......Moving On till next time.

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