About Me

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Anne Thompson, Author, born in Orange County California in 1967 and raised in magical Flowering Dogwood, Show-Me- Mid-Western state of Missouri. Anne received her education from the University of Central Missouri in English Education, Creative Writing and Communication. She is married with three grown children and four Grandchildren. Anne is a self-published Author of the Five-Star Rated thriller “VISIONS” available at Amazon.com. http://tinyurl.com/bu66w8h Anne used to be an aspiring writer until a traumatic event exploded her life into a million pieces. Her goals were to bring you articles that would, take you away for a minute, shock you, make you laugh, make you go “Oh Yeah, I get that!” and to inspire. Her life used to be an adventure every day. Her life has changed and with those changes her life became a very bumpy ride. She wanted you to come along because her adventures were sure to guarantee many surprises. But, lives change. You are still welcome to come inside her mind…only if you dare.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dreams? God? What is happening?

Third National Bank Sedalia, Missouri

Dreams dashed, Hopes smeared. It was the perfect truck and the perfect job. Everything was as perfect as any bank could ever hope to see in a proposal. The bank said yes and as we went to sign the paperwork and head out into our new life the bank shut us down. In just a few moments the bank went from impressed to “We have decide that we do not do truck loans anymore.” Now what? A few bad loans to other people that had nothing to do with us just slapped us right where it counts. So many thought run through a persons head at this time. You work hard, keep pushing forward, do the right thing and wow,,,,this is what you get. Another swift kick in the pants that say’s “Not in this lifetime are the desires of your heart ever going to be fulfilled.” I would really like to know how bankers sleep at night. I think we should change the sign that say’s FDIC to THE MOB.

That is all I have to say about this. I will be returning to school somewhere and Jeff will be leaving without me until the dually blows up. Life will be separating a couple that actually does love each other and wants to make a change in this world for the better. I will be signing out for now. Not sure where I will end up. Not sure I want to return to the second rate education I was getting at UCM but, if that is all I can afford right now on grants, then let’s hope I can learn more about how to communicate with you best by some crazy miracle. Jeff…well, he has a real hard time leaving me behind. It will be very sad and very hard for him and I to be apart, not living our dreams but being slaves to what this world has become. I had really hoped that there was something bigger out there that I has been praying to that really could make miracles happen.

The End

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