About Me

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Anne Thompson, Author, born in Orange County California in 1967 and raised in magical Flowering Dogwood, Show-Me- Mid-Western state of Missouri. Anne received her education from the University of Central Missouri in English Education, Creative Writing and Communication. She is married with three grown children and four Grandchildren. Anne is a self-published Author of the Five-Star Rated thriller “VISIONS” available at Amazon.com. http://tinyurl.com/bu66w8h Anne used to be an aspiring writer until a traumatic event exploded her life into a million pieces. Her goals were to bring you articles that would, take you away for a minute, shock you, make you laugh, make you go “Oh Yeah, I get that!” and to inspire. Her life used to be an adventure every day. Her life has changed and with those changes her life became a very bumpy ride. She wanted you to come along because her adventures were sure to guarantee many surprises. But, lives change. You are still welcome to come inside her mind…only if you dare.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Back to trucking. Needing a Miralce!

We need a Miracle

I am asking; no let’s just say that I am ready at this point to beg! Who are we? My name is Anne, I am 45 years old and I am sick. That isn’t going to get better. It takes medical help to get well these days and I do not have that. Then there is my husband Jeff. He is an amazing man. He works harder than any man I have ever known to take care of his family. We also have three children, all grown except one, Andy. Andy is 24 years old and suffers from a traumatic brain injury that happened during a car accident when he was only 10 months old. He is a wonderful boy that does the best he can. He does have a part time job and he can drive and run errands. If you met him you would probably say that he is the sweetest guy you have ever met. He does not have book smarts but he knows how to respect and love others no matter what and that is a rare find. He understands how to treat a lady and how to know the difference.

My husband is also a rare find. He is honest and true. The love we have a true and I and grateful that if I have nothing in this world, I know I have true love, real love.

With all of that we are still losing it all. Jeff drives a truck for a living, and trust me; he is not what you would normally see in a truck driver. He is smart; he is good looking, clean shaven, respectful, honest and has a heart of gold. He has to, he loves me.  

The problem is that our truck is old and it breaks down every week and it takes everything we make to keep it up and running and yes, it is the only job that he can do. We are drowning in our truck because of the trucking industry and all the industries attached to that. Trucking companies are trying to survive these days by stealing from the drivers with the trucks and the truck manufacturers are doing the same by making parts that they know will not work so that those that own trucks constantly have to buy the parts to keep the trucks running. There is no fixing this. The trucking industry is the biggest mob on the planet.

The only way possible to survive is not to buy a new truck, which would be nice so I could ride and live with my husband too, but that would cause bigger problems because the new trucks are worse than the old trucks. What our old truck needs is a makeover. It needs an overhaul and a new transmission and new tires all the way around and a job that pays well enough to maintain that truck and the bills at home. Is that too much to ask out of anyone?

The trucking industry used to be designed to work well for anyone interested. That was fifty years ago. Now, there are so many thieves in the business and greed has taken over. Now the industry is made up of rip off artist that make it a game to see who can steal the most and who can stay on top the longest. Trucking companies are not regulated by anyone! It is true. Not even the government. The only thing that regulates the trucking industry is the DOT and they only care what happens on the road, so trucking companies can do whatever they want, no one over sees them at all!

So, what I am asking for is help.  We need a home, right now we live in a mobile home that is falling apart and there is more money against it than it is worth by far. We only have one vehicle and my son has to have that to get to work, which is only part time because no one will give him job due to his disability. Me? I’m a waste. I am irrelevant. I can’t pull my own weight and I am sorry for that. What has happened to me can’t be fixed, not without a lot of medical help.

That is what is happening in the USA now. Those that can will make it, the strong, the smart and the rich. Those that can’t won’t get help, they will eventually die. I guess that is what the government is doing. It is their way of finding survival. It’s called population control I guess.

It is sad that the rich in the country just feel sorry for the rest of us but it’s not like they are going to help anyone. They say, “Why would the poor do this or do that?”  As if we are a group of people with a disease.

Would there be anyone to answer this plea? Would anyone even ever see this plea? I doubt it. I have put a lot of stuff on the internet and no one has ever seen anything I have ever put on the internet. I even wrote a book and tried to market it. I have only sold four books in a years’ time. I have tried to learn internet marketing but the internet is a sea, a very large ocean and again, it takes a lot of money to make money on the internet.

It is amazing to me that the government is working so hard to reduce the amount of citizens that it has but yet most people can’t find not even one person to care. It is amazing that in a sea of people living among us that so many of us are alone and lonely. The government is waiting for the weak to die so that the rich can inherit the world. It is working and probably a lot quicker that you may think. And then, it confuses me that the USA welcomes everyone from other countries and gives them a free ride but they will not help you if you are American. Strange?

I do not want to be a refugee in my own country, but we are. I don’t want to be one of the fallen. I want my family and me to survive. I have already lost one child to the evil of this world and I can’t lose another. I just can’t survive it.

The only miracle that can help is the miracle if money, money to fix our truck, money for a home and a way to help my son, Andy find a normal life. We live in Missouri and when Missouri cuts, they cut help for the disabled. That is where they make their cuts.

If you can help, please do. If you are willing, please help.

Just email me at ajthompson_5@hotmail.com

P.S. This could have been avoided. Had my husband and I had an opportunity when we were young to get educated then we would not be suffering. I know this because all of those that I went to school with that went right on to college and never got hurt by anything bad have got it good today. They have homes and cars and jobs and families and neighbors, hope and love. Learn something from this.

Thank you for listening and I hope that you are having a great life!

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