Samantha’s Gift
By: Annie Thompson
Samantha holds the box. She turns it this way and that looking at the intricate detail in the design cut into the ornate wooden box. She takes a deep breath allowing the feeling to sink in that she is opening up a part of her families’ history that has been handed down for centuries. She sets it down on the table, slowly turns the key in the lock and lifts the lid. The moment seems to last forever because somewhere inside her there is fear and part of her is turning into a little girl, kicking and screaming that she does not want to know what is inside and she does not want to look at it, but she knows she must. She had held her breath and closed her eyes and now, she opens them and looks down into the wooden, black felt lined box and gazes upon the beautiful magic that lay inside. It is an emerald ruby. Red as blood and large enough to fit in the palm of a persons hand. She lets her fingers slide over the surface and to her astonishment, she thought that she seen the ruby glow. She stopped moving; held in place by shock. She wonders if that really happened. Within a couple of seconds her fear subsides and she lets her fingers slide across the surface again and gently picked up the ruby. It had glowed, as it is glowing now. And she knows, as if it was magic, the history behind her families’ secrets, the ruby and the gift she has been blessed with. It was very faint, like a movie in her head but very translucent. In the seventeenth century there was an English man, named Benjamin, who as a child had been captured by Indians. He was held captive until his heroic escape at eighteen and later became a spy for the United States, spying on the Indians to discourage their frequent attacks. He found a young English girl whose family had been murdered by the Indians. Her name was Victoria.
Victoria had been held as a white captive. In a battle Benjamin rescued Victoria and he fell in love with her. He married her and then after his service with the United States found himself fairly wealthy. Out of his incredible love he held for his wife, Benjamin built a huge mansion and created an empire in her name. Victoria, though, held a secret. A secret that, in that time, would have resulted in her death, to be hung by a noose and labeled a witch. It was however, on the contrary, a gift that Victoria vowed to keep hidden forever out of her desperate love and fear of losing her wonderful husband who had saved her life. Hiding it was easy for who would have ever known, for who she really was, after losing her family and being rescued from the Indians? She loved her husband so much that she never revealed or ever used her powers until one fateful night. Benjamin had returned from work one evening and swooping her up took her out on the town and treated her like a princess. Beautiful and romantic the evening ended in dancing and a beautiful walk in the park beneath the moon. That night, she knew would be a magical night, so Victoria had already decided to tell Benjamin that she was due to have a child, their child, when walking in the park, he stops and turns to face her, taking her hands he kisses her and when she opened her eyes, in her hands lie the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was a red ruby, the one that Samantha now holds in her hand, hanging from an ornate gold chain. She decided to wait until they were at home and comfortable in their bed to tell him about the baby. That night, returning home, Benjamin was shot and killed by thieves. Her despair and heartbroken agony was so unbearable that she drug his body into their home and using the beautiful red ruby, she cast a spell on the ruby giving it the power to bestow upon herself and any of her descendents to be able to see into the future and, foresee any danger that may cause them to lose love and to see
into the past so that they may remember and never feel the agony that she felt that night over the loss of her true love.
Samantha, standing in the attic, holding this beautiful red ruby is suddenly weak by the episode sits and pray’s that she will never need the gift or the magic inside the ruby.
About Me

- Anne Surviving Changes
- Anne Thompson, Author, born in Orange County California in 1967 and raised in magical Flowering Dogwood, Show-Me- Mid-Western state of Missouri. Anne received her education from the University of Central Missouri in English Education, Creative Writing and Communication. She is married with three grown children and four Grandchildren. Anne is a self-published Author of the Five-Star Rated thriller “VISIONS” available at Anne used to be an aspiring writer until a traumatic event exploded her life into a million pieces. Her goals were to bring you articles that would, take you away for a minute, shock you, make you laugh, make you go “Oh Yeah, I get that!” and to inspire. Her life used to be an adventure every day. Her life has changed and with those changes her life became a very bumpy ride. She wanted you to come along because her adventures were sure to guarantee many surprises. But, lives change. You are still welcome to come inside her mind…only if you dare.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Voters, Eat Your Government Spinach.
Voters, Eat Your Government Spinach.
According to one political reporter, people are not getting the education they need about who is controlling their lives and how they are doing it. Dave Helling, who works as a multimedia political reporter for the Kansas City Star say’s that voters need to vote and be educated in the matters of our government or our politicians, will hold all of the power was the advice given to the University of Central Missouri Tuesday.
Helling spoke about issues in generation trends concerning voting and educating voters on politics and government. Helling says that there are not enough voters are speaking out and therefore allowing themselves to be ignored. Helling said that we have an angry government and that America has a history of having an angry government. Helling said that politics were getting ugly and there are not enough people looking at the long view, having any foresight. For examples of this angry government Helling brought up incidents in our History such as Joe McCarthy, stating that lives were ruined and communism ran rampant due the ignorance of the people. In 1968 there was also the national convention that could have been different had the people been better educated in the standing of the government. In 1970 there was an impeachment of a president. The 9/11 attacks were also used as an example. Helling said that there is also mistrust in American politics.” Hating the government is the American way” Helling said. One unique facet to this anger is political polarization. The political class features the political elite and reflects on Americans actions that are not representing “the people”. The political class of today is an uncompromising one. Instead, it is my way or the highway. Helling said that to politicians, compromise is surrendering to another political party. Exercise in political strategy is an issue in this country. Politics is a means to government. Is our government our government or the politician’s government? Who is representing Americans if Americans are not speaking up, if Americans are accepting being ignored and dismissed? The government is doing their own thing thinking that Americans are not paying attention. Heller spoke about the Jim Crow movement in reference to an angry government and the comparison of the advance in our generational society and the compromises that have been made and what has been achieved. Both sides would rather lose than compromise and someone win something.” No compromise equals a stalemate” said Helling. The results are that people do not attend to the government, then people tune out and end up dropping out of the system of government. People end up not voting and those votes could change things. “You have to eat your government spinach.” Helling said. Don’t be ignored and turned off. It is our duty to be educated in the actions of our government. Not enough votes equal a stalemate, which is tragedy in immense proportions. Our politicians are driving people out due to the anger in government. People resist because political matters are not easy. “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.”Heller quoted from the movie A League of their Own. Voters need to vote or the politicians will hold all of the power. The government is holding the power of decision because people are not voting and the government is hoping that we are not paying attention. What we need to do is get more involved in our government while they are still hoping that we do not understand. We need to be more committed to expose government actions to the people. Reporters are about getting the information to the people. Americans need to get together into groups and start educating and being educated in the actions of our government. “Read the newspaper.” Heller said. As Americans, can we bring back unity and awareness by getting back on the soapboxes and grandstands of the sixties and seventies? Heller said that those days have been overrun by political messages in the media. Heller said that we have been polarized by activist. Parties have been pulled apart. When asked about the financial state of our economy Heller said that the baby boomers, economically, need to get out of the way and let the young take over.
Do you agree?
According to one political reporter, people are not getting the education they need about who is controlling their lives and how they are doing it. Dave Helling, who works as a multimedia political reporter for the Kansas City Star say’s that voters need to vote and be educated in the matters of our government or our politicians, will hold all of the power was the advice given to the University of Central Missouri Tuesday.
Helling spoke about issues in generation trends concerning voting and educating voters on politics and government. Helling says that there are not enough voters are speaking out and therefore allowing themselves to be ignored. Helling said that we have an angry government and that America has a history of having an angry government. Helling said that politics were getting ugly and there are not enough people looking at the long view, having any foresight. For examples of this angry government Helling brought up incidents in our History such as Joe McCarthy, stating that lives were ruined and communism ran rampant due the ignorance of the people. In 1968 there was also the national convention that could have been different had the people been better educated in the standing of the government. In 1970 there was an impeachment of a president. The 9/11 attacks were also used as an example. Helling said that there is also mistrust in American politics.” Hating the government is the American way” Helling said. One unique facet to this anger is political polarization. The political class features the political elite and reflects on Americans actions that are not representing “the people”. The political class of today is an uncompromising one. Instead, it is my way or the highway. Helling said that to politicians, compromise is surrendering to another political party. Exercise in political strategy is an issue in this country. Politics is a means to government. Is our government our government or the politician’s government? Who is representing Americans if Americans are not speaking up, if Americans are accepting being ignored and dismissed? The government is doing their own thing thinking that Americans are not paying attention. Heller spoke about the Jim Crow movement in reference to an angry government and the comparison of the advance in our generational society and the compromises that have been made and what has been achieved. Both sides would rather lose than compromise and someone win something.” No compromise equals a stalemate” said Helling. The results are that people do not attend to the government, then people tune out and end up dropping out of the system of government. People end up not voting and those votes could change things. “You have to eat your government spinach.” Helling said. Don’t be ignored and turned off. It is our duty to be educated in the actions of our government. Not enough votes equal a stalemate, which is tragedy in immense proportions. Our politicians are driving people out due to the anger in government. People resist because political matters are not easy. “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.”Heller quoted from the movie A League of their Own. Voters need to vote or the politicians will hold all of the power. The government is holding the power of decision because people are not voting and the government is hoping that we are not paying attention. What we need to do is get more involved in our government while they are still hoping that we do not understand. We need to be more committed to expose government actions to the people. Reporters are about getting the information to the people. Americans need to get together into groups and start educating and being educated in the actions of our government. “Read the newspaper.” Heller said. As Americans, can we bring back unity and awareness by getting back on the soapboxes and grandstands of the sixties and seventies? Heller said that those days have been overrun by political messages in the media. Heller said that we have been polarized by activist. Parties have been pulled apart. When asked about the financial state of our economy Heller said that the baby boomers, economically, need to get out of the way and let the young take over.
Do you agree?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
My Swan Dive into Short Fiction
Memory of a Miracle Long Past
By: Anne Thompson
In the winter of 1970 life was a white magic wonderland. Christmas was right around the corner and with the fresh fallen snow, everything glistened and sparkled in the city streets. Shoppers were bustling and children were laughing, playing in the snow since school had let out for Christmas. Such was not so for one family, the Murphy family. After just having moved to the southwestern part of Missouri from sunny and hot California where the children, Tom, then five, Jenna, then seven and Maggie, at that time four years old, had never even seen snow let alone ever had to trudge in it, were not liking the cold or the snow at all.
Since school had let out, Maggie had gotten to go with their Dad, who drove a big truck. And, unlike Tom and Jenna, who were probably lounging in front of the television and the fireplace or watching the sun dance on the snow, Maggie was scared and caught in a blustery, blinding winter storm with her dad. He was working hard to see the road and was also more than likely pretty anxious to get home. The storm kept coming and Maggie’s dad kept struggling. All through the day the wind blew and the snow and ice pelted the truck. Maggie slept a lot. Curled up in a ball in the sleeper, Maggie would listen to her Dad try to sing songs to make her feel better until finally, she would fall asleep.
As the day went on and the night drove in along with the storm, Maggie's dad kept trying to drive through the forceful storm and so were all of the other people out on the road trying to get home. It was a horrible night to be out, so many cars on the road were making things treacherous for everyone. Soon my Maggie’s dad had to get off of the big interstate and had to go it alone on a two lane highway. It was a skinny two-lane highway that had not been plowed very much, but my Maggie’s dad kept driving. The night wore on and Maggie’s dad was growing weak. There were headlights coming at them from what seemed like all directions running in and out of the snow. It looked like they were headed right for them and then Maggie’s dad saw an overpass leering ahead. The lights, they were so bright and Maggie could feel her dad tense up and suddenly he grabbed her hand and said, “Hold on baby!” and then it happened. The car that was coming at them lost control. They could see it as it hit them and then Maggie felt it hit them and then Maggie felt the window hit her head. After that, all went black for Maggie for a while.
Back at her home Maggie’s mother was trying to get everyone settled in with supper and wood for the stove when the phone rang. Tom, and her sister were watching their mother and noticed when her eyes went big and she began to cry. A voice on the other end of the phone had asked my mother how long it had been since she had heard from her their dad, who periodically would stop and call her throughout the day. It had been since this morning she said. He was due to be home by now but, she figured the weather had him held up. The voice on the other end of the phone advised their mother that her husband had not arrived at his point of destination and that there was no sign of him. They had issued a search by the highway patrol and county police departments. Maggie’s mother’s sharp intake of air, held for the longest moment according to her sister and then she just fainted.
Long into the night everyone waited and prayed. Those that were searching were taking an awful long time to call with any news and Maggie’s mother was sinking deeper and deeper into the fear of losing her husband and a child.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the phone rang. It was miraculous news about their father and Maggie. They had been found and we were alive. The police said that after finding the truck wrecked and completely totaled, they searched for Maggie and her father and found their father leaning sitting against a phone pole with Maggie cradled in his arms and his coat draped over them both. The police said that they could not imagine how they survived without a scratch or how Maggie’s dad had gotten them to that telephone pole, keeping them alive and warm in the cold as long as he had. It was a miracle. A real miracle.
By: Anne Thompson
In the winter of 1970 life was a white magic wonderland. Christmas was right around the corner and with the fresh fallen snow, everything glistened and sparkled in the city streets. Shoppers were bustling and children were laughing, playing in the snow since school had let out for Christmas. Such was not so for one family, the Murphy family. After just having moved to the southwestern part of Missouri from sunny and hot California where the children, Tom, then five, Jenna, then seven and Maggie, at that time four years old, had never even seen snow let alone ever had to trudge in it, were not liking the cold or the snow at all.
Since school had let out, Maggie had gotten to go with their Dad, who drove a big truck. And, unlike Tom and Jenna, who were probably lounging in front of the television and the fireplace or watching the sun dance on the snow, Maggie was scared and caught in a blustery, blinding winter storm with her dad. He was working hard to see the road and was also more than likely pretty anxious to get home. The storm kept coming and Maggie’s dad kept struggling. All through the day the wind blew and the snow and ice pelted the truck. Maggie slept a lot. Curled up in a ball in the sleeper, Maggie would listen to her Dad try to sing songs to make her feel better until finally, she would fall asleep.
As the day went on and the night drove in along with the storm, Maggie's dad kept trying to drive through the forceful storm and so were all of the other people out on the road trying to get home. It was a horrible night to be out, so many cars on the road were making things treacherous for everyone. Soon my Maggie’s dad had to get off of the big interstate and had to go it alone on a two lane highway. It was a skinny two-lane highway that had not been plowed very much, but my Maggie’s dad kept driving. The night wore on and Maggie’s dad was growing weak. There were headlights coming at them from what seemed like all directions running in and out of the snow. It looked like they were headed right for them and then Maggie’s dad saw an overpass leering ahead. The lights, they were so bright and Maggie could feel her dad tense up and suddenly he grabbed her hand and said, “Hold on baby!” and then it happened. The car that was coming at them lost control. They could see it as it hit them and then Maggie felt it hit them and then Maggie felt the window hit her head. After that, all went black for Maggie for a while.
Back at her home Maggie’s mother was trying to get everyone settled in with supper and wood for the stove when the phone rang. Tom, and her sister were watching their mother and noticed when her eyes went big and she began to cry. A voice on the other end of the phone had asked my mother how long it had been since she had heard from her their dad, who periodically would stop and call her throughout the day. It had been since this morning she said. He was due to be home by now but, she figured the weather had him held up. The voice on the other end of the phone advised their mother that her husband had not arrived at his point of destination and that there was no sign of him. They had issued a search by the highway patrol and county police departments. Maggie’s mother’s sharp intake of air, held for the longest moment according to her sister and then she just fainted.
Long into the night everyone waited and prayed. Those that were searching were taking an awful long time to call with any news and Maggie’s mother was sinking deeper and deeper into the fear of losing her husband and a child.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the phone rang. It was miraculous news about their father and Maggie. They had been found and we were alive. The police said that after finding the truck wrecked and completely totaled, they searched for Maggie and her father and found their father leaning sitting against a phone pole with Maggie cradled in his arms and his coat draped over them both. The police said that they could not imagine how they survived without a scratch or how Maggie’s dad had gotten them to that telephone pole, keeping them alive and warm in the cold as long as he had. It was a miracle. A real miracle.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I will let you decide for yourself.
Historic Kentucky Rest Area...Thank you Kentucky
Big wheels, Hot wheels, traffic and, “Is there a finish line”?
Interstates Everywhere—What on earth is the rush? Are you getting in a car? Can everyone just, PUT DOWN THE CELL PHONE AND PAY ATTENTION. Sorry, had to get that out. Is your seat belt on? Do you really know where you are going and how you are going to get there? Please do not stop in the middle of the INTERSTATE!, again sorry I get to get that out, because you missed your exit.
Are you prepared to Understand that you are NOT getting on a Speedway, but getting from point A to point B? See, I had more control there. I didn't capitalize everything.
Now, as you are traveling along these roads notice the traffic. Do you notice that there are these large Trucks? Okay well, these trucks are normally carrying about 80,000 pounds of product. A lot of weight to try and manage when no one is paying attention to that truck. These trucks have blinkers and need to be noticed. Upon seeing a trucks blinkers and you are beside that truck in the direction the truck needs to move to, please do not speed up but decrease excelleration and yeild to the truck. There is normally a very good reason why that truck is needing to get into that lane. For example there could be motorist on the shoulder that the truck need to get away from.
These big trucks out there have people in them that are trying to make a living, not to be difficult. Please help them to be able to their job safely by not cutting them off and yielding to them while coming up an on ramp and sharing the road by paying attention to the fact that you are driving a car not multitasking.
There is also something to be said to drivers in the trucking industry everywhere. Please be considerate of others lives and Lose Some Weight! It amazing me what can be seen in truck stops all over America when in a fuel isle and someone can be seen getting out of a truck that is so obese that they can barely get out. Obesity is dangerous and not enough people take it seriously. Some of these drivers are ticking time bombs for a heart attache or a stroke. What are they thinking? Am I being to bold? The trucking industry could use a clean up act when it comes to the health and well being of not just the trucks but the drivers themselves. Saying something directly to someone about that is difficult but, if the doctors nor the companies are going to then someone has to so I guess that would be me. I plan on bringing that up to Anne Ferro, the Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
A Big Thank you to all of those states that care enough about drivers to build nice rest area's and places to relax, enjoy the scenery, walk the dog. Not enough states build enough, if any. Kudos to Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for making them beautiful.
We love you.
Please be a part of saving lives and keep it between the lines.
Thank you
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Driving Miss Annie
Driving Miss Annie
That is what this one particular husband does for his wife. He drives. In all actuality Jeff Thompson is a driver, a truck driver who takes his “really wants to be a journalist” wife with him. Most of the time he say's he couldn't do it without her which is good. It has been a great ride being driven all over the country side and it has been amazing. Seems as if Annie say's “Sure would be nice to see … and that seems to be the very next place that the company Jeffrey drives for sends them.
By the way...I am Annie and I am loving this. I asked to see the great wonders of the North, South, East and West of the great U.S.A. and that is exactly what has been given. From New York to Florida, The great St. Louis Arch to the Grand Canyon and then the San Fernando Valley. Sunsets over beautiful cities and sunrises over amazing mountain ranges this has been a blessing in disguise and there is so much more to come.
There is still the journey and an amazing quest for the dream of the Big Truck with the Big House on it at work here and the payoff will happen. So far, this journey has been worth every blessed minute.
Thanks for coming along for the ride and......It was “Off to St. Louis” and the rest of the story is....
$300. Serenity, Luxury and WOW!
That is the kind of three-day vacation you can get from St. Louis. From the moment a person arrives in downtown St. Louis, patrons are treated to the relieving stress-free fantasy of Luxury and a person's heart will go aw yeah.
First stop is the amazing Drury Plaza Hotel on Fourth St. in the heart of downtown St. Louis managed by Cherrie Schulz. There is beauty galore. Imagine taking a Semi-Truck to the heart of downtown St. Louis and worn from the road drivers being treated like their most prized guests. It happened. Free Parking and when they say it...they mean it. Transportation provided by the hotel picks you up at the closest location to safely park a semi-Truck (usually beside another one of their locations and then delivers you back to the hotel. With a staff of 120, there is always someone there when you need them. The guest services, front desk and round the clock house keeping are always delighted to make sure you are treated as royalty no matter who you are or what your lineage is. Beautiful marble everywhere. Chandeliers, fireplaces, fountains and beautiful lifelike statues of frontiersmen and animals over a serene river all await you inside the lobby. Your bags are delivered to your room and when you finally step into the oasis that awaits inside your room you may want to hang on to something as you swoon. On the top floor (The tenth floor) the view is unbeatable for a cityscape. Wall to wall windows give you a view of the heart of St. Louis where in June and July there are weddings galore. The beds are sinkable and so many fluffy pillows that can take anyone into slumbering on a cloud. Cleanliness is everywhere. The bathroom area is a suite all in itself and once settled in it becomes very difficult to leave the room for all that awaits downstairs. There you will find Silver domed buffets serving breakfast that can't be beat and a staff that really cares. Food to your hearts content and so yummy you can very easily overeat without realizing it in the a.m.. So.....hang on to that food for a while because once you set off all on foot to explore the world of St. Louis under the Arch and the Arch itself you are going to need the energy.
Next it is off explore the Plaza and the beautiful parks. Take your dog if you have one and let them show off their tails. During the June and July months you will see many weddings and there are always carriage rides available to anyone wanting to experience that romantic ride. There is shopping galore but you can easily forget about all the shopping once you realize that you are so close to the Science Center, the Zoo, all of the beautiful fountains, historic buildings and statues that will take your appreciation to a new level. After a brief rest a trip to the top of the Arch at Sunset is a must. Buy your tickets the day before, online to prevent having to stand in long lines for an hour. If you enjoy sunsets then get your tickets for around seven-thirty in the evening. This gives you plenty of time to enjoy the movies that take a person back in time and enjoy the wonderful shops inside the Arch. There is also a Museum inside the Arch you will want to see. This makes a great family trip or even just a romantic get away.
For the price, the Drury Hotel re-defines luxury in a way that that makes the clientele feel like the rich and famous. Remember the word Concierge. The front desk staff know it well. Can I say “Towels please?” Yes you may and delivered to your door in seconds still warm. And then next after a supreme evening meal at Max and Emma's, a nice drink of wine on the house and it is time for sweet, sweet divine sleep.
So, go ahead and take the trip. It is worth it to anyone needing a fabulous mini-vacation.
Have fun, enjoy and until next time...
Keep it between the lines.
That is what this one particular husband does for his wife. He drives. In all actuality Jeff Thompson is a driver, a truck driver who takes his “really wants to be a journalist” wife with him. Most of the time he say's he couldn't do it without her which is good. It has been a great ride being driven all over the country side and it has been amazing. Seems as if Annie say's “Sure would be nice to see … and that seems to be the very next place that the company Jeffrey drives for sends them.
By the way...I am Annie and I am loving this. I asked to see the great wonders of the North, South, East and West of the great U.S.A. and that is exactly what has been given. From New York to Florida, The great St. Louis Arch to the Grand Canyon and then the San Fernando Valley. Sunsets over beautiful cities and sunrises over amazing mountain ranges this has been a blessing in disguise and there is so much more to come.
There is still the journey and an amazing quest for the dream of the Big Truck with the Big House on it at work here and the payoff will happen. So far, this journey has been worth every blessed minute.
Thanks for coming along for the ride and......It was “Off to St. Louis” and the rest of the story is....
$300. Serenity, Luxury and WOW!
That is the kind of three-day vacation you can get from St. Louis. From the moment a person arrives in downtown St. Louis, patrons are treated to the relieving stress-free fantasy of Luxury and a person's heart will go aw yeah.
First stop is the amazing Drury Plaza Hotel on Fourth St. in the heart of downtown St. Louis managed by Cherrie Schulz. There is beauty galore. Imagine taking a Semi-Truck to the heart of downtown St. Louis and worn from the road drivers being treated like their most prized guests. It happened. Free Parking and when they say it...they mean it. Transportation provided by the hotel picks you up at the closest location to safely park a semi-Truck (usually beside another one of their locations and then delivers you back to the hotel. With a staff of 120, there is always someone there when you need them. The guest services, front desk and round the clock house keeping are always delighted to make sure you are treated as royalty no matter who you are or what your lineage is. Beautiful marble everywhere. Chandeliers, fireplaces, fountains and beautiful lifelike statues of frontiersmen and animals over a serene river all await you inside the lobby. Your bags are delivered to your room and when you finally step into the oasis that awaits inside your room you may want to hang on to something as you swoon. On the top floor (The tenth floor) the view is unbeatable for a cityscape. Wall to wall windows give you a view of the heart of St. Louis where in June and July there are weddings galore. The beds are sinkable and so many fluffy pillows that can take anyone into slumbering on a cloud. Cleanliness is everywhere. The bathroom area is a suite all in itself and once settled in it becomes very difficult to leave the room for all that awaits downstairs. There you will find Silver domed buffets serving breakfast that can't be beat and a staff that really cares. Food to your hearts content and so yummy you can very easily overeat without realizing it in the a.m.. So.....hang on to that food for a while because once you set off all on foot to explore the world of St. Louis under the Arch and the Arch itself you are going to need the energy.
Next it is off explore the Plaza and the beautiful parks. Take your dog if you have one and let them show off their tails. During the June and July months you will see many weddings and there are always carriage rides available to anyone wanting to experience that romantic ride. There is shopping galore but you can easily forget about all the shopping once you realize that you are so close to the Science Center, the Zoo, all of the beautiful fountains, historic buildings and statues that will take your appreciation to a new level. After a brief rest a trip to the top of the Arch at Sunset is a must. Buy your tickets the day before, online to prevent having to stand in long lines for an hour. If you enjoy sunsets then get your tickets for around seven-thirty in the evening. This gives you plenty of time to enjoy the movies that take a person back in time and enjoy the wonderful shops inside the Arch. There is also a Museum inside the Arch you will want to see. This makes a great family trip or even just a romantic get away.
For the price, the Drury Hotel re-defines luxury in a way that that makes the clientele feel like the rich and famous. Remember the word Concierge. The front desk staff know it well. Can I say “Towels please?” Yes you may and delivered to your door in seconds still warm. And then next after a supreme evening meal at Max and Emma's, a nice drink of wine on the house and it is time for sweet, sweet divine sleep.
So, go ahead and take the trip. It is worth it to anyone needing a fabulous mini-vacation.
Have fun, enjoy and until next time...
Keep it between the lines.
Drury Hotel,
reuck drivers,
St. Louis,
St. Louis Arch,
truckers blog,
women truckers
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Blue Eyes and Misbehavin at Newborn's
Blue Eyes and Misbehavin.....That's what you'll find at NEWBORNS.
Ahhhhh. Yeah. You know that feeling of a wonderful shower after a miserable day? I will never again take that feeling for granted. For a clean freak like me, having to wait a day or two or three between showers can be absolutely horrible. That is what we have to deal with out here during this trucking adventure. I know that it is not like trekking through the Amazon for adventure but wow, am I very grateful for the big plastic container I carry full of towels and wash rags to take a bath in while going down the road. It is during these days that a trucker just can't wait for that moment when the fuel is bought and that free shower and towels are handed to you. That is...until you see the showers. Ooooh gross. With shower shoes in hand and the fear at every turn in the shower that something on the wall or floor is going to crawl right on to the body a person can sometimes feel dirtier coming out than they did going in. My husband say's it is hilarious to watch me wash and re-wash until I nearly take my skin off. For a germaphobic like me, and also a fairly vain person when it comes to looks, that shower can sometimes be horrific challenge.
In the past, I mentioned a truck stop called Sapp Brother's in Wyoming that literally made you feel as if you were in a luxury hotel. Well, let the South introduce you to NEWBORN TRUCK STOP in Tallapoosa, Ga. right off of I-20 at exit 5. Cleanest showers in the South. Georgia rarely disappoints and Newborn Tuck Stop keeps up with that reputation. As you walk in the doors you are greeted by these wonderful ladies. Blue Eyes and Misbehaven. With beautiful smiles and a guarantee that you will enjoy your stay there, no trucker could ever feel any closer to the good folks they have waiting for them at home than they will here, and trust me, finding a place to make you feel at home is hard out here. So many places just don't take the time to act like they care. These girls are like a great big hug and the showers, let me tell you, normally I can't even touch the walls in a shower at a truck stop without crying that I am going to die from some skin eating disease but at Newborns, I believe it may have been cleaner than the one I have at home. The white walled showers and water pressure that can ease any stress away makes a person feel clean already and then there is the ability to dry off without getting so sweaty that you need another shower before you are done. The rooms stay cool and the steam disappears No frizz in this hair. Oh yeah.
Thank you Newborns for your hospitality, great folks, clean showers and for helping my husband and I change the reputation for truckers everywhere by helping us be pretty people and good-looking truckers. And to all the truckers out there, help us change the look and reputation of truckers everywhere by taking a shower, losing some weight(for those that need to), get in shape and stop in at NEWBORNS for a moment to relax and feel like someone cares about you.
Ahhhhh. Yeah. You know that feeling of a wonderful shower after a miserable day? I will never again take that feeling for granted. For a clean freak like me, having to wait a day or two or three between showers can be absolutely horrible. That is what we have to deal with out here during this trucking adventure. I know that it is not like trekking through the Amazon for adventure but wow, am I very grateful for the big plastic container I carry full of towels and wash rags to take a bath in while going down the road. It is during these days that a trucker just can't wait for that moment when the fuel is bought and that free shower and towels are handed to you. That is...until you see the showers. Ooooh gross. With shower shoes in hand and the fear at every turn in the shower that something on the wall or floor is going to crawl right on to the body a person can sometimes feel dirtier coming out than they did going in. My husband say's it is hilarious to watch me wash and re-wash until I nearly take my skin off. For a germaphobic like me, and also a fairly vain person when it comes to looks, that shower can sometimes be horrific challenge.
In the past, I mentioned a truck stop called Sapp Brother's in Wyoming that literally made you feel as if you were in a luxury hotel. Well, let the South introduce you to NEWBORN TRUCK STOP in Tallapoosa, Ga. right off of I-20 at exit 5. Cleanest showers in the South. Georgia rarely disappoints and Newborn Tuck Stop keeps up with that reputation. As you walk in the doors you are greeted by these wonderful ladies. Blue Eyes and Misbehaven. With beautiful smiles and a guarantee that you will enjoy your stay there, no trucker could ever feel any closer to the good folks they have waiting for them at home than they will here, and trust me, finding a place to make you feel at home is hard out here. So many places just don't take the time to act like they care. These girls are like a great big hug and the showers, let me tell you, normally I can't even touch the walls in a shower at a truck stop without crying that I am going to die from some skin eating disease but at Newborns, I believe it may have been cleaner than the one I have at home. The white walled showers and water pressure that can ease any stress away makes a person feel clean already and then there is the ability to dry off without getting so sweaty that you need another shower before you are done. The rooms stay cool and the steam disappears No frizz in this hair. Oh yeah.
Thank you Newborns for your hospitality, great folks, clean showers and for helping my husband and I change the reputation for truckers everywhere by helping us be pretty people and good-looking truckers. And to all the truckers out there, help us change the look and reputation of truckers everywhere by taking a shower, losing some weight(for those that need to), get in shape and stop in at NEWBORNS for a moment to relax and feel like someone cares about you.
Monday, July 5, 2010
New York New York
Let's all get this straight. Going to New York does not mean “I'm going to see something spectacular!” What it means is that we were delivering a load to the state of New York and seeing “Absolutely NOTHING!” There are lots of tree's and …..well, nothing to see from the interstate. The word “sightseeing” should refer to what can be seen within the inter-cities, not from the Interstate. We weren't even able to see the rivers due to all of the tree's and bushes that were overgrown along the Interstates. But, we did have quite and experience.
After getting off the interstate and onto a wicked winding road and up a hill with a 10% grade (which means very, very steep) we delivered to an old shooting range. The conservation department was using fertilizers and mulches along with other soil medications to rehabilitate the soil that had been polluted with lead from the ammunition used during the time that the land up there was used for a shooting range. Everyone should extend a hand of thanks to our conservation departments.
With that done, keeping in mind it was Friday, July 2nd, we were informed by our dispatch that our re-load could not be picked up until Tuesday, July 6th. Wow! That is basically four days off with nowhere to go because we are in a semi and really can't go just anywhere we wanted so we ended up camping out at a truck stop and let me tell you it was Nasty. I guess I survived because as it is I am writing this. So, after doing all of the laundry, cleaning the truck , the dog and ourselves we proceeded to get absolutely stupid. Yes boys and girls, lets not just hang out and behave ourselves, no we have to get in as much trouble as people our age can possibly get into and so we headed to a bar. What a great bar we found. O'Neill in Binghamton, NY just a few steps from the truck stop. Inside this wonderful Irish Pub and Sports Bar we found some incredible people. Jim, the owners brother and bartender has one of the best personalities of anyone I have ever met that bar tends with a smile every second. The clientele were ages that ranged from 21 to possibly 90 yrs. Old and very family oriented. No one could go to this pub and not have a great time and feel like you have just been welcomed into a great family. These patrons and owners “know no strangers”.
The only drama that I experienced was an incredible compliment from a twenty-six year old handsome man. Remember, I am forty-three. This man complimented me so much that he actually had the nerve to ask my husband if he would share. I loved it. Yeah, for me. I guess I was quite impressive. Why is it that so many young men chase after us older women? Later it did cause a little upset for my husband when the man actually came to truck and asked again. I hope my audience is bent over laughing hard because I did but, not so much for my husband. The next day proceeded in a fight between my man and I. The fight was more probably more about needing to get away from each other than anything else. We have been together 24/7 for months. This will happen to couples who take off together in a truck to “truck” around the U.S.A.
O'Mailly's took very good care of me and let me make a idiot of myself crying in my beer and dancing alone like an insane woman on their dance floor to get my frustrations out. This might have been one of those “You had to be there” moments to be ripping a gut laughing but trust me, it was gut ripping funny. Jeff, my wonderful husband made me sweat it out for five hours, in which I called my best friend in the world and swore that he must be dead in a ditch somewhere from being mugged. Not true in this little town in New York. I was finally rescued from my pitty party by my husband who proceeded to attempt to get me to the truck, half carrying me and half dragging me. I think my drinking days are over. They lasted a whole twenty-four hours. In short I think it proves that even in New York, small town America's for the most part are safe and full of good folks. Thanks Binghamton, NY.
I hope this blog leaves you laughing and until next time.....
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Mid-Life for The X-Generation
X-Generation ...Welcome to “Mid-Life”
Written By: Annie Thompson
June 2010
Amazing, the changes we have experienced in this lifetime of climbing from the age of zero to fifty. Record-breaking natural disasters, for example, war, economic failures among our states Litter, wait---don't get depressed there is a light at the end of the tunnel-- covers the sides of the interstates and highways and it is from these main veins going through our cities that there can be seen the desolation and ruin of buildings that have been left to crumble. Television and Entertainment are in a good running for control of our young societies in a way that scares us to death. Gangs have replaced the Mob and computers have replaced communication. We have gone from one room school houses, coal and television ending at mid-night or before to Internet education, solar panels and yes...the ever giant, looming windmill farms that can look to some as very alien. 24/7 mind-numbing hours of television to turn any ones minds to muck. But there is evidence that this generation has worked very hard to impress upon all of those that are involved in their lives a great amount of family values, respect and loyalty. This evidence can be seen at baseball games, dance recitals, church functions and almost everywhere we look but with a very different spin on parents attitudes, ages and lifestyles. What we have gotten in return for the years of love and commitment ? Well, that is for each to decide on their own.
There is a change that you may or may not already know about. Introducing itself to the X-Generation is...The Mid Life. It is real and it will and does happen to most adults. It is not an exact age but more like a moment. It is a time in life when children that you have nurtured all of their lives become adults. No one can prepare anyone else for the emotional roller-coaster ahead, but being aware of what is to come helps.
At this time parents are having to endure watching their children, as people in society, walking of cliffs basically and not being able to fix or do anything about it. We have gone from full tilt soccer parents, band parents or whatever it was that was important to the children and their future at that time which was actually dominating parents lives to (pause) Dead Silence. Some couples see each other from across the empty space, left behind by the kids, as for the first time in a very long time. Re-actions happen. It can feel as if couples realize that their relationship has been on hold. New and incredible relationships can can unfold and bloom into wonderful new and passionate love lives.
There are also heart ripping moments of shear terror and hopelessness over your kids lives. Words are not uttered, as before, but the word “No” is spoken firmly along with “My Way” and the safety net that parents had wrapped around their children is jerked away and handed back..
Parents are also going through moments when they have finally had a chance to look in the mirror, after years, it can seem and amazement occurs as to how they became this older person looking back at them and it can make a person wonder just “who” this person is supposed to be. No one can go back to where they left off before they became parents. Not to say that we ever stopped being ourselves while being a parent and, no, being a parent never ends but “parenting” does become more out of reach and impossible as our children become adults. I wonder if anyone ever thought that when they decided that they wanted to have a baby if they realized they were having another person, another human being that will have to face battles of their own, not just a child? And will that person love, respect and understand us as parents? How is going to feel when they face a problem that you can not fix?
These are all thoughts and emotions slamming the people going through the “mid” of life. The X-Generation. I believe that some parents even start treating the family pet like their kids.
Cooperation. Compromise. Compassion. Open mindedness. Faith. These will come in handy. Getting perspective of what you want the rest of your life to be, the goals need to be set. The yellow sticky notes need to be “I n Your Face” reminding you constantly of your goals as it is easy at this time in life to be lead astray by HAVING FUN! ADULT FREEDOM! WOW! Go ahead and fall for it for a while and find that wild side and as long as you realize that stepping out of your safety zone is stepping out of your bubble and you will eventually just be running with your tail between legs back to the bubble. There are scary people out there and scary happenings that you will wish you were not stuck in your head forever. Find yourselves as graduated parents and take that vacation. Fall in love again or find that lover you have not yet found. At least open yourselves up to adult freedom.
What still lies ahead is up to each one of us to decide, Everything around us is changing and we must ride the tide or become another tide but movement in one direction or the other is inevitable. The perspective of applying logic and reason to emotional upheaval can often result in regaining sanity. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and wait till you hear that a baby is on the way. Grandparents. Ha! Ha!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Western Tranquility and Social Bathrooms
A Social Life in the Ladies Room.
By: Annie Thompson
Salt Lake City, Utah---First I need to let America and all of the truck stops in America know that they should set their goals to meet the standards of a truck stop out west called SAPP Brothers. There are several on I-80. There is no comparison. This truck stop makes drivers feel luxury. Tiled bathrooms where the grout looks brand new. White, and I mean brand new white, huge bathtubs with showers that have high style fixtures and a ceiling that looked like it was just installed with tiled walls including intricate trim work. I know I couldn't afford a hotel that provided these kids of accommodations. Drivers and riders deserve this kind of treatment after putting in the work that they really don't get the credit for. Many drivers take this job very seriously and work very hard in and through everything. Weather does not stop this job from getting done and mother nature can be brutal and deadly a lot.
But the up side are moments when Western Mountains will take your breath away and so many things that we learn in Geography just jump out and materialized right in front of you. It is amazing.
Moving on to social lives, I actually found that the social center in the world of trucking can be found in the bathrooms. Yes, the bathrooms. I met an incredible lady in the Sapp Brothers truck stop in Salt Lake City Utah. I was washing my hands and she asked where I got my make-up bag and then I looked up at her face and believe it or not, what I seen was not a stranger but in that face I found something that reminded me of every one of my life long friends. That face was a face that held comfort and strength, love and a long happy life. Her name was Cheri and my husband and I ended up eating Mother's Day breakfast together with Cheri and her husband Jerri. So cute, right? Cheri taught me a lot in that little time and the most important of all of the advise she gave me was how to protect myself out here alone. One thing she talked about was protection while inside of your cab at night like attaching a bungee cord to the horn string and then to your door so that way if anyone does break in it will blow the horn. Great advise. I hope to never lose touch with her.
As some of you may know we are struggling out here to “Meet the Goal” and had to go to work for another company until we can get some wheels beneath us of our own and Cheri and Jerri have been out here doing this for many years and were kind enough to not only give us some wonderful leads, advise and comfort that this can be done out here on the road but they bought us breakfast too. Amazing people. We love this life, we want this life, we just want to be comfortable and that is what we are working for.
Humbly we have gone to work for another fleet owner who is leased on to a hopper bottom outfit out of Illinois. The owner does have a nice truck and I am really enjoying this a lot, but the bottom dollar is just ridiculous. I have learned enough about this business trying to get my own off the ground that I know how the brokering and financing works. Baja is paying us on a percentage of twenty-six percent per load which is usually better for owner-operators and drivers than getting paid by the mile. When a load becomes available a broker can take it and originally the loads should be paying a certain amount which should be the staring point of when our percentage starts but some brokering companies take out cuts for themselves and then the owner of the truck and then after all of those deductions they re-figure the rate and then give us our twenty-six percent. It is not a lot to live on.
So every day I search and search for that perfect deal and the perfect company till we can be moving on. Jeff is an amazing driver. He would be a great investment to any company out there. You never know, maybe we can find someone famous to drive for or maybe some multimillionaire that needs a driver and trust me Jeff would be just what they are looking for, plus he has me and that can only make things better... right?
By: Annie Thompson
Salt Lake City, Utah---First I need to let America and all of the truck stops in America know that they should set their goals to meet the standards of a truck stop out west called SAPP Brothers. There are several on I-80. There is no comparison. This truck stop makes drivers feel luxury. Tiled bathrooms where the grout looks brand new. White, and I mean brand new white, huge bathtubs with showers that have high style fixtures and a ceiling that looked like it was just installed with tiled walls including intricate trim work. I know I couldn't afford a hotel that provided these kids of accommodations. Drivers and riders deserve this kind of treatment after putting in the work that they really don't get the credit for. Many drivers take this job very seriously and work very hard in and through everything. Weather does not stop this job from getting done and mother nature can be brutal and deadly a lot.
But the up side are moments when Western Mountains will take your breath away and so many things that we learn in Geography just jump out and materialized right in front of you. It is amazing.
Moving on to social lives, I actually found that the social center in the world of trucking can be found in the bathrooms. Yes, the bathrooms. I met an incredible lady in the Sapp Brothers truck stop in Salt Lake City Utah. I was washing my hands and she asked where I got my make-up bag and then I looked up at her face and believe it or not, what I seen was not a stranger but in that face I found something that reminded me of every one of my life long friends. That face was a face that held comfort and strength, love and a long happy life. Her name was Cheri and my husband and I ended up eating Mother's Day breakfast together with Cheri and her husband Jerri. So cute, right? Cheri taught me a lot in that little time and the most important of all of the advise she gave me was how to protect myself out here alone. One thing she talked about was protection while inside of your cab at night like attaching a bungee cord to the horn string and then to your door so that way if anyone does break in it will blow the horn. Great advise. I hope to never lose touch with her.
As some of you may know we are struggling out here to “Meet the Goal” and had to go to work for another company until we can get some wheels beneath us of our own and Cheri and Jerri have been out here doing this for many years and were kind enough to not only give us some wonderful leads, advise and comfort that this can be done out here on the road but they bought us breakfast too. Amazing people. We love this life, we want this life, we just want to be comfortable and that is what we are working for.
Humbly we have gone to work for another fleet owner who is leased on to a hopper bottom outfit out of Illinois. The owner does have a nice truck and I am really enjoying this a lot, but the bottom dollar is just ridiculous. I have learned enough about this business trying to get my own off the ground that I know how the brokering and financing works. Baja is paying us on a percentage of twenty-six percent per load which is usually better for owner-operators and drivers than getting paid by the mile. When a load becomes available a broker can take it and originally the loads should be paying a certain amount which should be the staring point of when our percentage starts but some brokering companies take out cuts for themselves and then the owner of the truck and then after all of those deductions they re-figure the rate and then give us our twenty-six percent. It is not a lot to live on.
So every day I search and search for that perfect deal and the perfect company till we can be moving on. Jeff is an amazing driver. He would be a great investment to any company out there. You never know, maybe we can find someone famous to drive for or maybe some multimillionaire that needs a driver and trust me Jeff would be just what they are looking for, plus he has me and that can only make things better... right?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
A Kiss from God.
Rollin, rollin, rollin...Keeping these tires rolling.
So, here we are rolling across the mid-west. Not as far as we would like to go, seems we are sticking around the mid-west for now. The dispatch office at the company that we are driving for keeps asking us when we want to go home, and we keep having to tell them, “We don't want to go home. For now, this is home.” they just act confused. Every “Over the Road” companies dream and they don't get that. This makes me laugh. But, this is where we are and what we are doing. I know it will pay off one of these days, soon, and we will end up in that dream ruck and the dream driving job. We will be “Owner-Operators” and a “Over the Road” journalist writing history about surviving a quest to set out on our own and “Make It” which in our eyes is having our debts paid so that we can enjoy what god has given us together. This quest started in January 2010 and I can't wait to see where it goes and along the way I will continue to try and entertain you with articles about life, love and surviving.
As if God reached down, kissed a part of the earth and said "I shall provide all of your needs."
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Mountains Be Moved!!
In a valley of mountains we stand true and strong and our battle cry will be heard throughout the land.....Charge!
Still trying to move mountains we struggle forth but at least moving forward. That is the key...always pushing forward. Thompson Trucking Co. has surrendered to Baja Trucking. Yes, we have been W-2'd. That means we have opted for employment with another company until we can work up the capital we need to move forward towards our dream of owning a very large car. A semi to be exact with a 155” sleeper where I can write while Jeff drives and makes the mu-la. I like the life. My house will be making money and that is cool. That is the dream.
So getting back into the hang of living the life out here on the road was not as hard as I thought it would be after not being out here for several years. Jeff, Baby and I sort of just picked up right where we left off. Even Baby, my dog remembers what she can and can not do out here and is so happy just to be with us.
But......I have a dream....and that dream is a (pause for effect) BATHROOM inside my truck. Yes! That is my dream and let's not forget a most amazing job driving for someone who has a famous lifestyle that will get me to all the places I want to go and write about and allow Jeff to get paid to take me. Don't laugh at me. I am serious about this. So......Moving On till next time.
Still trying to move mountains we struggle forth but at least moving forward. That is the key...always pushing forward. Thompson Trucking Co. has surrendered to Baja Trucking. Yes, we have been W-2'd. That means we have opted for employment with another company until we can work up the capital we need to move forward towards our dream of owning a very large car. A semi to be exact with a 155” sleeper where I can write while Jeff drives and makes the mu-la. I like the life. My house will be making money and that is cool. That is the dream.
So getting back into the hang of living the life out here on the road was not as hard as I thought it would be after not being out here for several years. Jeff, Baby and I sort of just picked up right where we left off. Even Baby, my dog remembers what she can and can not do out here and is so happy just to be with us.
But......I have a dream....and that dream is a (pause for effect) BATHROOM inside my truck. Yes! That is my dream and let's not forget a most amazing job driving for someone who has a famous lifestyle that will get me to all the places I want to go and write about and allow Jeff to get paid to take me. Don't laugh at me. I am serious about this. So......Moving On till next time.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Dreams? God? What is happening?
Third National Bank Sedalia, Missouri
Dreams dashed, Hopes smeared. It was the perfect truck and the perfect job. Everything was as perfect as any bank could ever hope to see in a proposal. The bank said yes and as we went to sign the paperwork and head out into our new life the bank shut us down. In just a few moments the bank went from impressed to “We have decide that we do not do truck loans anymore.” Now what? A few bad loans to other people that had nothing to do with us just slapped us right where it counts. So many thought run through a persons head at this time. You work hard, keep pushing forward, do the right thing and wow,,,,this is what you get. Another swift kick in the pants that say’s “Not in this lifetime are the desires of your heart ever going to be fulfilled.” I would really like to know how bankers sleep at night. I think we should change the sign that say’s FDIC to THE MOB.
That is all I have to say about this. I will be returning to school somewhere and Jeff will be leaving without me until the dually blows up. Life will be separating a couple that actually does love each other and wants to make a change in this world for the better. I will be signing out for now. Not sure where I will end up. Not sure I want to return to the second rate education I was getting at UCM but, if that is all I can afford right now on grants, then let’s hope I can learn more about how to communicate with you best by some crazy miracle. Jeff…well, he has a real hard time leaving me behind. It will be very sad and very hard for him and I to be apart, not living our dreams but being slaves to what this world has become. I had really hoped that there was something bigger out there that I has been praying to that really could make miracles happen.
The End
Dreams dashed, Hopes smeared. It was the perfect truck and the perfect job. Everything was as perfect as any bank could ever hope to see in a proposal. The bank said yes and as we went to sign the paperwork and head out into our new life the bank shut us down. In just a few moments the bank went from impressed to “We have decide that we do not do truck loans anymore.” Now what? A few bad loans to other people that had nothing to do with us just slapped us right where it counts. So many thought run through a persons head at this time. You work hard, keep pushing forward, do the right thing and wow,,,,this is what you get. Another swift kick in the pants that say’s “Not in this lifetime are the desires of your heart ever going to be fulfilled.” I would really like to know how bankers sleep at night. I think we should change the sign that say’s FDIC to THE MOB.
That is all I have to say about this. I will be returning to school somewhere and Jeff will be leaving without me until the dually blows up. Life will be separating a couple that actually does love each other and wants to make a change in this world for the better. I will be signing out for now. Not sure where I will end up. Not sure I want to return to the second rate education I was getting at UCM but, if that is all I can afford right now on grants, then let’s hope I can learn more about how to communicate with you best by some crazy miracle. Jeff…well, he has a real hard time leaving me behind. It will be very sad and very hard for him and I to be apart, not living our dreams but being slaves to what this world has become. I had really hoped that there was something bigger out there that I has been praying to that really could make miracles happen.
The End
Monday, April 5, 2010
Otis To The Rescue
Still on a bridge...waiting to get to the other side....
Otis To The Rescue….
Who is Otis? Well, Otis is the wonderful salesman who introduced us to what we hope will be our new home. A beautiful 2005 Volvo w/70” sleeper and all the bells and whistles that we wanted. Otis was great with a deal of a lifetime. Seems it was meant to be. Fantastic personality and the kind of guy you could talk to all day. He gave us everything we asked for on a silver platter. For example, when we asked for a mechanic, he took us straight to the shop and even let us collect an oil sample for diagnostics. Never pushy or hyper.You can find him at Westfall Volvo in K.C. Mo. Best salesman I have ever spoken to and I am very picky with a personality that can really bite if you rush me. I think Otis survived. This salesman may need to buy us a stiff drink by the time this is all over.
Spent Easter praying for the truck financing to come through. It seemed as if the banker was very satisfied with the proposal so now we are waiting. Spring brings work around the house, getting it ready for it to take care of itself while we are gone. Probably till August. Being patient and hoping for the bank to come through with their promise and an oil sample to come back. perfect.
Stay tuned………..
Let me know what you think about this…….
Created By: Annie Thompson December 13, 2006
Samantha Barrington had a good life, a happy life, a normal life until... it all crashed around her with thunder and lightning like a bad nightmare. In every moment and with every breathe unbearable, shocking and unimaginable terror thrashed out at her leaving her helpless and defenseless but at the same time…..surviving.
From long ago an ancestor left her gift. A powerful gift that not only found it’s way to her after ages of being cast away but is now possessing her with an undeniably miraculous ability to see what was and what will be. Along with this gift and the help of a wonderful stranger who just happened into her life in the form of a hero, Sam is able to face the ghosts and demons that are wreaking havoc in her life.
Excitement, fear and suspense send Sam’s life on a roller coaster ride she may not survive but in the midst of it all Samantha also finds love and passion that takes her broken and terrified heart and tries to mend it…………… but will he succeed?
Mac Perry, forced into retirement from the FBI after twenty-one years on the force finds a little piece of solitude in the small town of Watch Hill Rhode Island. Thinking that he could run from his past and hide it away forever and just become a normal person with a normal life he finds himself yet again face to face with the reality that you can’t run away from bad people and that bad things will always happen and someone will always need saving.
But the only thing that could ever make Mac face that kind of life again would be because of someone he loves and Mac had never allowed himself to ever feel that for anyone because to him, the pain wasn’t worth it. Will Mac find his hand forced by love or will Mac walk away and close his eyes and his heart to someone needing help?
The rain started coming down hard. Beating on the windshield. You could see it dance on the road. The sirens were so loud and everywhere. Their red and blue lights were fighting with the rain. The high-speed chase that she knew was inevitable just became too dangerous to attempt now what with the rain pouring down so hard that they couldn’t even see the road.
”Mac, what are we going to do?” Samantha screamed. “Go, go. Don’t stop. We can’t go let them catch us. Mac! Don’t stop!”
Mac was slowing down. He started to pull off of the old highway and into an old run down trailer park. Everything was dark except for the lights from the police cars. The rain and the sirens were so loud.
“Will you hang on for me?” Mac said quietly, his head hanging down, his hair hanging in his face. He was soaked from the rain and he looked rough and run down. “Will you trust me Sam? Remember I love you. Just trust me.”
Samantha was sitting next to him. Fear was gripping every part of her being. She knew she loved him. Would love him forever. He was her hero. She was just so scared. What was happening? What was he going to do? This wasn’t supposed to happen!
Two squad cars, four uniformed officers and an unmarked vehicle were blocking their path. The uniformed officers had their weapons pulled and were surrounding the car.
”Put your hands on the steering wheel.” She heard them yell.
Mac’s door was being pulled open as he gave her one more desperately pleading look. Then he was gone, being pulled from the car. Her door was jerked open and she was being pulled out of the car. It was him! It was that man! The Detective!
“Come on Mrs. Barrington, it’s over.” The detective said.
They had Mac on the ground handcuffing him.
”What are you doing? I have what you want! Just let him go! Let Mac Go!”
“No, Mrs. Barrington. Shut up! I’m not going down for this. It has been a really long and horrible ordeal and right now you should feel lucky you’re still alive. Right now your boy wonder there has a lot of explaining to do and by the time the chief figures this all out I’ll be long gone and you, well let’s just say your body won’t be pushing up daisies in a pretty cemetery. But first we’re going to take a little drive.”
The detective drug Samantha towards his car. Samantha squirmed and twisted herself around trying to free herself. She turned around and saw Mac. They were trying to stuff him into a squad car.
“Mac! Mac! Tell them Mac! Tell them the truth! Mac! What are you doing? He is going to kill me Mac! You have to stop them!”
Mac turned around and looked at her.
“Do you trust me Sam?”
That was last thing Sam heard before she felt a blow to her head and everything went black.
Otis To The Rescue….
Who is Otis? Well, Otis is the wonderful salesman who introduced us to what we hope will be our new home. A beautiful 2005 Volvo w/70” sleeper and all the bells and whistles that we wanted. Otis was great with a deal of a lifetime. Seems it was meant to be. Fantastic personality and the kind of guy you could talk to all day. He gave us everything we asked for on a silver platter. For example, when we asked for a mechanic, he took us straight to the shop and even let us collect an oil sample for diagnostics. Never pushy or hyper.You can find him at Westfall Volvo in K.C. Mo. Best salesman I have ever spoken to and I am very picky with a personality that can really bite if you rush me. I think Otis survived. This salesman may need to buy us a stiff drink by the time this is all over.
Spent Easter praying for the truck financing to come through. It seemed as if the banker was very satisfied with the proposal so now we are waiting. Spring brings work around the house, getting it ready for it to take care of itself while we are gone. Probably till August. Being patient and hoping for the bank to come through with their promise and an oil sample to come back. perfect.
Stay tuned………..
Let me know what you think about this…….
Created By: Annie Thompson December 13, 2006
Samantha Barrington had a good life, a happy life, a normal life until... it all crashed around her with thunder and lightning like a bad nightmare. In every moment and with every breathe unbearable, shocking and unimaginable terror thrashed out at her leaving her helpless and defenseless but at the same time…..surviving.
From long ago an ancestor left her gift. A powerful gift that not only found it’s way to her after ages of being cast away but is now possessing her with an undeniably miraculous ability to see what was and what will be. Along with this gift and the help of a wonderful stranger who just happened into her life in the form of a hero, Sam is able to face the ghosts and demons that are wreaking havoc in her life.
Excitement, fear and suspense send Sam’s life on a roller coaster ride she may not survive but in the midst of it all Samantha also finds love and passion that takes her broken and terrified heart and tries to mend it…………… but will he succeed?
Mac Perry, forced into retirement from the FBI after twenty-one years on the force finds a little piece of solitude in the small town of Watch Hill Rhode Island. Thinking that he could run from his past and hide it away forever and just become a normal person with a normal life he finds himself yet again face to face with the reality that you can’t run away from bad people and that bad things will always happen and someone will always need saving.
But the only thing that could ever make Mac face that kind of life again would be because of someone he loves and Mac had never allowed himself to ever feel that for anyone because to him, the pain wasn’t worth it. Will Mac find his hand forced by love or will Mac walk away and close his eyes and his heart to someone needing help?
The rain started coming down hard. Beating on the windshield. You could see it dance on the road. The sirens were so loud and everywhere. Their red and blue lights were fighting with the rain. The high-speed chase that she knew was inevitable just became too dangerous to attempt now what with the rain pouring down so hard that they couldn’t even see the road.
”Mac, what are we going to do?” Samantha screamed. “Go, go. Don’t stop. We can’t go let them catch us. Mac! Don’t stop!”
Mac was slowing down. He started to pull off of the old highway and into an old run down trailer park. Everything was dark except for the lights from the police cars. The rain and the sirens were so loud.
“Will you hang on for me?” Mac said quietly, his head hanging down, his hair hanging in his face. He was soaked from the rain and he looked rough and run down. “Will you trust me Sam? Remember I love you. Just trust me.”
Samantha was sitting next to him. Fear was gripping every part of her being. She knew she loved him. Would love him forever. He was her hero. She was just so scared. What was happening? What was he going to do? This wasn’t supposed to happen!
Two squad cars, four uniformed officers and an unmarked vehicle were blocking their path. The uniformed officers had their weapons pulled and were surrounding the car.
”Put your hands on the steering wheel.” She heard them yell.
Mac’s door was being pulled open as he gave her one more desperately pleading look. Then he was gone, being pulled from the car. Her door was jerked open and she was being pulled out of the car. It was him! It was that man! The Detective!
“Come on Mrs. Barrington, it’s over.” The detective said.
They had Mac on the ground handcuffing him.
”What are you doing? I have what you want! Just let him go! Let Mac Go!”
“No, Mrs. Barrington. Shut up! I’m not going down for this. It has been a really long and horrible ordeal and right now you should feel lucky you’re still alive. Right now your boy wonder there has a lot of explaining to do and by the time the chief figures this all out I’ll be long gone and you, well let’s just say your body won’t be pushing up daisies in a pretty cemetery. But first we’re going to take a little drive.”
The detective drug Samantha towards his car. Samantha squirmed and twisted herself around trying to free herself. She turned around and saw Mac. They were trying to stuff him into a squad car.
“Mac! Mac! Tell them Mac! Tell them the truth! Mac! What are you doing? He is going to kill me Mac! You have to stop them!”
Mac turned around and looked at her.
“Do you trust me Sam?”
That was last thing Sam heard before she felt a blow to her head and everything went black.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Dreams can come true!!!
Well life has been a little shaky in this adventure Jeff and I are on. St. Louis is over, we went broke again, trucks not working but then, we got a welcome gift of $4000.00 of unexpected money and wow, we felt like we had a new chance at life. Then back at home we realized that our house needed desperate work, my van that I have been letting my son borrow needed $500.00 worth of work, Dr. Appt's, med's, you name it, we had to use the money. Okay so now we are caught up on bills. This is good but we are still dead in the water without any Insurance, or a running truck, or any loads to pull. Now what? Okay I'll tell you. We prayed. We waited and within 24 hrs we received an okay from the bank to find a truck and a 1 yr. lease with a company. So, roller-coaster ride starting to take effect now in our brains and stress levels now are going up and down. Up and Down and all over the place. Yes. We are now in the process of finding a truck. We have $15,000.00 to find a truck and get all of the essentials and then we will finally be hitting the road. There will be a little heartache in all of this though that I just won't get over. The greatest support team ever. Our family and my friends.
My dream of being the Trucking Photojournalist may not be too far off. I just need to convince the greatest photographer ever in the world to realize that my dream includes his magic. His name is Chad Moffit. This guy is amazing. He does not just capture life on still life, he captures emotion that is unmistakable. No one that experiences his work can skirt the chills that will accompany the vision. That magic mixed with my writing is going to hit the scene someday and those of you that who read this will not mistake the art when you finally see it for being the work of these two particular amazing artists.
Do you remember these words?
By: Annie Thompson
Lady, gentleman, proper, manners, dignity, self respect and the respect of others. When exactly did these attributes get lost in our societies? It is ridiculous for us, as people in this world to be shocked and appalled by the storms that rage in our social climate. But, surprisingly enough, we do still stand shocked and appalled by all of the evil behaviors that are running rampant in our societies. In one word, “Criminal”. But the word criminal to some could be seen as an opinion. I myself wish that I did not know what “What the f*” means. To some it is derogating to their sense of behavior. To some “Gangster” implies “bad”, a crime, criminal but, for some it is becoming a cultural behavior that some actually take pride in.
In these times that we live in with all of the different cultures and ethnic backgrounds, cultural individuality can be hard to achieve and maybe that is why so many societies are representing themselves to the rest of us in ways that quite frankly, freak us out. Because they are trying to create a new culture or change an old one. I don’t think I will ever understand the gangster and mob cultures. That behavior from our young generation not only freaks me out but I would prefer it to totally elude me. Including the pants around the ankles fashion.
Young parents out there today, I hope, are attempting to bring back the responsibility of our ancestors to pass on respectable, strong, healthy, loyal and honest values of once strong and stable cultural societies. So that they can rise up strong and proud as a representation or each ones culture.
What it is that this young generation has to come against are the adult monster raging in their castles sending out the messages to our society as a whole of desires for power, domination, control, the all mighty dollar and cold heartedness. If I remember right aren’t these some of the attributes that started the Trojan war and have been causing war ever since?
I have met and know quite a few young parents that are wielding our future societies and there could be a rainbow on the horizon. It seems that they are working very hard on bringing back the simpler values of life and striving to see life come as close as it can to the wonderful life of the ’70’s. Yeah, cool man.
My dream of being the Trucking Photojournalist may not be too far off. I just need to convince the greatest photographer ever in the world to realize that my dream includes his magic. His name is Chad Moffit. This guy is amazing. He does not just capture life on still life, he captures emotion that is unmistakable. No one that experiences his work can skirt the chills that will accompany the vision. That magic mixed with my writing is going to hit the scene someday and those of you that who read this will not mistake the art when you finally see it for being the work of these two particular amazing artists.
Do you remember these words?
By: Annie Thompson
Lady, gentleman, proper, manners, dignity, self respect and the respect of others. When exactly did these attributes get lost in our societies? It is ridiculous for us, as people in this world to be shocked and appalled by the storms that rage in our social climate. But, surprisingly enough, we do still stand shocked and appalled by all of the evil behaviors that are running rampant in our societies. In one word, “Criminal”. But the word criminal to some could be seen as an opinion. I myself wish that I did not know what “What the f*” means. To some it is derogating to their sense of behavior. To some “Gangster” implies “bad”, a crime, criminal but, for some it is becoming a cultural behavior that some actually take pride in.
In these times that we live in with all of the different cultures and ethnic backgrounds, cultural individuality can be hard to achieve and maybe that is why so many societies are representing themselves to the rest of us in ways that quite frankly, freak us out. Because they are trying to create a new culture or change an old one. I don’t think I will ever understand the gangster and mob cultures. That behavior from our young generation not only freaks me out but I would prefer it to totally elude me. Including the pants around the ankles fashion.
Young parents out there today, I hope, are attempting to bring back the responsibility of our ancestors to pass on respectable, strong, healthy, loyal and honest values of once strong and stable cultural societies. So that they can rise up strong and proud as a representation or each ones culture.
What it is that this young generation has to come against are the adult monster raging in their castles sending out the messages to our society as a whole of desires for power, domination, control, the all mighty dollar and cold heartedness. If I remember right aren’t these some of the attributes that started the Trojan war and have been causing war ever since?
I have met and know quite a few young parents that are wielding our future societies and there could be a rainbow on the horizon. It seems that they are working very hard on bringing back the simpler values of life and striving to see life come as close as it can to the wonderful life of the ’70’s. Yeah, cool man.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I Want Your Love
Hi, Baby, my dog has decided that she is not going to look at me anymore because she is still stuck in this hotel with us and “It’s raining!”.
Well, I am back and have been pretty busy trying to get a handle on this trucking company. Trying to teach myself everything I need to know about this business and LOOKING FOR THE MONEY. Of course there is loads of data created everyday that creates the money trail of this companies existence. We are still in St. Louis, Mo. That is all I have to say about that. Still waiting for the “Moving On” part of this gypsy life journey.
I want to ask a question. Why is it that when it comes to love, and yes we all fall in love, but why is it that we always allow people to break our hearts? We end up going through that devastating pain of loosing someone because they just don’t want you and experiencing all these bad feelings of rejection and the worst, being made to cry. But, we still end up jumping right back out there without even thinking about it. I hate it when another person is able to make me cry. That means they made me feel. Feelings can really get to a person and not necessarily in good ways. Some would say that the passion and romance is worth it. Still there are others that avoid love at all costs.
But still, we have evolved into a very needy society bent on making others love us and some never keep trying. Even after we get married we still seem to fall in love with other people but in different ways. Maybe this happens because we will always want to know that there is something inside of us that another person can fall in love with. Maybe a lot of us ask that question. “I know my husband/wife loves me but could anyone else ever fall in love with me?”. Or, have I just asked the unforgivable question in the sanctity of marriage? I am looking forward to hearing some responses on this.
Well, I am back and have been pretty busy trying to get a handle on this trucking company. Trying to teach myself everything I need to know about this business and LOOKING FOR THE MONEY. Of course there is loads of data created everyday that creates the money trail of this companies existence. We are still in St. Louis, Mo. That is all I have to say about that. Still waiting for the “Moving On” part of this gypsy life journey.
I want to ask a question. Why is it that when it comes to love, and yes we all fall in love, but why is it that we always allow people to break our hearts? We end up going through that devastating pain of loosing someone because they just don’t want you and experiencing all these bad feelings of rejection and the worst, being made to cry. But, we still end up jumping right back out there without even thinking about it. I hate it when another person is able to make me cry. That means they made me feel. Feelings can really get to a person and not necessarily in good ways. Some would say that the passion and romance is worth it. Still there are others that avoid love at all costs.
But still, we have evolved into a very needy society bent on making others love us and some never keep trying. Even after we get married we still seem to fall in love with other people but in different ways. Maybe this happens because we will always want to know that there is something inside of us that another person can fall in love with. Maybe a lot of us ask that question. “I know my husband/wife loves me but could anyone else ever fall in love with me?”. Or, have I just asked the unforgivable question in the sanctity of marriage? I am looking forward to hearing some responses on this.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Life is a blur then BAMB!
Life is a Blurr then BAMB!
Annie Thompson
I would like to ask a question. I am not very sure it can be answered but, I would like to ask everyone, none the less. If we considered the body working in its entirety together with all of its functions and senses and then took away the sense of “emotion”, allowing the body to work without interruptions from emotion, how well would it work? Now, if we started adding emotion back in at each persons own distinct emotional levels, could we find out just how much each individuals bodies can feasibly handle and by questioning this our selves can we gain strength over our emotions, therefore gaining better control over our bodies and how we physically respond to emotion? I think this is a question of logic and reason vs. emotion.
When you find out that someone you love has been stricken by a heart attack due to stress, does that make you question the stress levels in your own life and feel the need to have better control over the way your body reacts to stress?
Would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Annie Thompson
I would like to ask a question. I am not very sure it can be answered but, I would like to ask everyone, none the less. If we considered the body working in its entirety together with all of its functions and senses and then took away the sense of “emotion”, allowing the body to work without interruptions from emotion, how well would it work? Now, if we started adding emotion back in at each persons own distinct emotional levels, could we find out just how much each individuals bodies can feasibly handle and by questioning this our selves can we gain strength over our emotions, therefore gaining better control over our bodies and how we physically respond to emotion? I think this is a question of logic and reason vs. emotion.
When you find out that someone you love has been stricken by a heart attack due to stress, does that make you question the stress levels in your own life and feel the need to have better control over the way your body reacts to stress?
Would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Friday, February 19, 2010
SAINT LOUIS, Mo....So when I left you last the truck was out of service and in desperate need of repair. There goes more money into the expense column. Yeah me. This picture was taken during the rescue of Jeff my hero driver with Chad my hero friend at the wheel. As you can see it was late and so much to see. This is an amazing lighting fixture on top of a building. Wow. Jeff was not so lucky, he was stranded in a very bad part of town, getting approached and yelled at by very scary people. The truck would not run and so he was also waiting out in the cold for and hour waiting for help. The rescue was a success and the truck repaired and back on the road in one day. So, needless to say I did not lose the $800.00 worth of loads, I only lost about $300.00. We survived and now we have once again pulled off an agreement with the company we are running for to give us designated runs right here in St. Louis. Now we are getting somewhere and hopefully we will find an affordable pad to hold office and lay our heads for a while till we find where this is going to lead and where we will be moving on to next. Can’t wait to see where this leads. Life is good. We miss the kids and the grandbabies but I AM SO HAPPY! Wow. This feels like BLISS!!!!!!
HOMELESS…by: Annie Thompson
Envision this… There is a hotel and in this hotel lives a little old black woman. This early morning with grey overcast skies and the interstate right next door with all it’s sounds from cars and trucks whizzing by this little old lady is seen walking from the hotel towards the outer road of the interstate all bundled up and carrying a suitcase. She walks a few feet and then sets down the suitcase and rests and then she picks it up and starts the process over again of walking and resting, walking and resting. I asked her if she was okay and she looked at me and said, ”Oh, yes mam. I’m fine.” and then she continued on her journey. At that moment I was bound and determined to find the story behind this little old lady and why she is out there walking the streets with a suitcase. I went back inside the hotel and found the housekeeper cleaning my room and asked him what he knew about her. Apparently she lives here and everyday she goes out into the street and finds people to help her pay for her room and living expenses. Is this begging? Why? Why does she not have a family to take care of her, why is she all alone? Here is a picture that does not fit. A little old lady with out any money and without anywhere to go is living in a hotel, walking the streets begging. There is a giant church across the way, have they ever noticed her? They are a church, aren’t they supposed to reach out to people? She walks right in front of it every day. There are policeman every where whose job it is to protect and serve, why haven’t they taken her to a shelter? Why hasn’t she been taken to a hospital for observation to see if she needs treatment for something and then place into the Vocational Rehabilitation system?
I am very gullible I will admit, but this is just one little old lady and there are millions just like her roaming the streets. It is amazing to me that there are billions of people on this earth but yet there are so many that are all alone.
HOMELESS…by: Annie Thompson
Envision this… There is a hotel and in this hotel lives a little old black woman. This early morning with grey overcast skies and the interstate right next door with all it’s sounds from cars and trucks whizzing by this little old lady is seen walking from the hotel towards the outer road of the interstate all bundled up and carrying a suitcase. She walks a few feet and then sets down the suitcase and rests and then she picks it up and starts the process over again of walking and resting, walking and resting. I asked her if she was okay and she looked at me and said, ”Oh, yes mam. I’m fine.” and then she continued on her journey. At that moment I was bound and determined to find the story behind this little old lady and why she is out there walking the streets with a suitcase. I went back inside the hotel and found the housekeeper cleaning my room and asked him what he knew about her. Apparently she lives here and everyday she goes out into the street and finds people to help her pay for her room and living expenses. Is this begging? Why? Why does she not have a family to take care of her, why is she all alone? Here is a picture that does not fit. A little old lady with out any money and without anywhere to go is living in a hotel, walking the streets begging. There is a giant church across the way, have they ever noticed her? They are a church, aren’t they supposed to reach out to people? She walks right in front of it every day. There are policeman every where whose job it is to protect and serve, why haven’t they taken her to a shelter? Why hasn’t she been taken to a hospital for observation to see if she needs treatment for something and then place into the Vocational Rehabilitation system?
I am very gullible I will admit, but this is just one little old lady and there are millions just like her roaming the streets. It is amazing to me that there are billions of people on this earth but yet there are so many that are all alone.
Monday, February 15, 2010
$800 worth of loads on the chopping block!
Saint Louis, MO. February 15, 2010.
Bridges, cities, Jeff (My Hero) and hotel rooms, these have been the places we have been and the gypsy’s we have become driving across the country side trying to make a living so we can obtain the life we want. Lately the start-up process of Thompson Trucking Co. has been fun and painless. We have enjoyed a hotel room for a week and are getting ready to head back to the home front to deliver some cars in Kansas City, pick up our dog (Baby), check on the house and (I have paused for quite some time trying to think of what to say) well, I am just not sure where we are headed from there.
Jeff has called and informed me that every order that I have obligated us to must be cancelled because the truck is (wait for it…wait for it….grit the teeth now) BROKEN. Now what? I have hit an endless wall of steel. Looking forward to seeing how we survive this one.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Bridges & Man
February 11, 2010
Saint Louis, MO. It has certainly been an exciting and incredible week. The Thompson Trucking Co. (yup that is us) has finally yielded enough income for the company to afford a hotel room for a week. Yes! This suite is wonderful, warm, private and roomy. The work has been a little slow coming this week but I just succeeded in completing my very first attempt at price negotiating with the company we are running for to give us more money for the loads we take. The negotiations were a success and I have sent Jeffrey off to stretch his legs a little further down the road for a little more money. Now that is what is called a successful day and on top of that the company is booked with loads clear up to next week.
Tomorrow we are going to an auction at the place we have been hauling to and the auction line-up is for “Big Rigs”, so we are going to look and see what these trucks go for. That is going to be great. Still not enough money for that yet but, we can see what kind of deals we can get there. Still hoping for that Ford Sterling with the 110” sleeper but, till then, we push on.
Moving on with the story for now…………..
Introducing a theory on faith. Life can be hard enough as it is let alone having nothing to have faith in.
That theory is that anyone can have faith in anything that has never been associated with creation made by MAN.
Love and all feelings good and bad are not a creation of man. They are effected by man.
Mother Nature was not created by man, but has been terribly affected by man.
The creation of family is an empowerment not created by man, but yet so many are destroyed by man.
Some might say, “I am going to live in the jungle, it’s safer.”
Thanks and Good night.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Breakfast with I-70 and St. Louis
Wed. Feb. 3, 2010
WAKE UP! Oh, owe, move! Okay, I’ll wait, you move. Hurry up. Got to unfold the body and put the feet on some surface, wait, can’t stand up. Find pants, find socks, find shoes. Lay down, pull on pants, owe! Okay, pull legs up and put on shoes and socks. Wow, now reach in between the door and the seat, find the door handle, open the door and try not to fall out. Oh, my goodness, wow is it cold. No, no, no, too cold. Ugghhh! Find bag with toiletries. No, it is in the toolbox on the trailer. Wow! Cold, cold. Hurry, cold. Run, run, run into the fuel stop bathroom because it is COLD. Hope no-one else is in there, Now, do everything you normally do without the shower. Hope the memory also remembered to bring a wash rag. Completey cover the small space on counter ( Nice, this one has a counter) with paper towels as not to get any germs on my stuff and get to work trying to make this hair and face look normal and not like road-kill. Ha! Once finished, the sad takes over that there is not enough time or resources to make this look flattering. Give up and go on and try not to be so vain. Very hard.
Now, remember this is an adventure. Not a battle. Look forward to the day’s surprises and GO GET ’EM!
Great. Fifteen loads booked and two going back to home for the weekend. Thirty calls made, seven cars loaded and un-loaded, thirty faxes chased down and sent at any fax machine that can be found, twenty-two straps unrolled and rolled back up and, no way, it is already six o’clock, p.m..
Now, it is time to find a truck stop closest to the next pick-up, get some food(What ever can be found, which is usually not friendly food) eat, do the bathroom routine again because there will be no shower tonight, throw everything up in the front seat, squeeze ourselves into the small bed we made in the back seat and try to get some sleep. Hope for a better week next and a little money for a room with a bathroom for a few weeks. This could be done a lot cheaper in a big rig WITH A 110” SLEEPER! But, to get that, this must be done first.
Keep hoping and keep trucking.
Good night all.
WAKE UP! Oh, owe, move! Okay, I’ll wait, you move. Hurry up. Got to unfold the body and put the feet on some surface, wait, can’t stand up. Find pants, find socks, find shoes. Lay down, pull on pants, owe! Okay, pull legs up and put on shoes and socks. Wow, now reach in between the door and the seat, find the door handle, open the door and try not to fall out. Oh, my goodness, wow is it cold. No, no, no, too cold. Ugghhh! Find bag with toiletries. No, it is in the toolbox on the trailer. Wow! Cold, cold. Hurry, cold. Run, run, run into the fuel stop bathroom because it is COLD. Hope no-one else is in there, Now, do everything you normally do without the shower. Hope the memory also remembered to bring a wash rag. Completey cover the small space on counter ( Nice, this one has a counter) with paper towels as not to get any germs on my stuff and get to work trying to make this hair and face look normal and not like road-kill. Ha! Once finished, the sad takes over that there is not enough time or resources to make this look flattering. Give up and go on and try not to be so vain. Very hard.
Now, remember this is an adventure. Not a battle. Look forward to the day’s surprises and GO GET ’EM!
Great. Fifteen loads booked and two going back to home for the weekend. Thirty calls made, seven cars loaded and un-loaded, thirty faxes chased down and sent at any fax machine that can be found, twenty-two straps unrolled and rolled back up and, no way, it is already six o’clock, p.m..
Now, it is time to find a truck stop closest to the next pick-up, get some food(What ever can be found, which is usually not friendly food) eat, do the bathroom routine again because there will be no shower tonight, throw everything up in the front seat, squeeze ourselves into the small bed we made in the back seat and try to get some sleep. Hope for a better week next and a little money for a room with a bathroom for a few weeks. This could be done a lot cheaper in a big rig WITH A 110” SLEEPER! But, to get that, this must be done first.
Keep hoping and keep trucking.
Good night all.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wishing for Warmth and Blue Skies
Okay, so I thought that I could live in a dually with my husband for a week and trust me, it was a complete week. A dually for those of you who do not know is an oversized pickup truck. Not a Semi that has more than a back seat. All there is, is the back seat and nowhere to run away to when you want to be alone. Big mistake. I feel dirty, helpless, hopeless, tired and if I want to get up and move around then I have to wait until a time presents itself and step outside in the cold weather elements. I have had to squat outside, help strap cars down in the freezing rain, get squished in the back seat by husband who always seems to have to change positions every five minutes so it takes at least eight hours to get four hours of sleep. Ugghh, Anyone who could see my nails right now would think I am homeless and after all of this, I still seem to have hope. No sanity left, but hope (probably because Jeff finally got me a hotel room) for this quest to find work to get the THE Big Truck that I want and maybe get enough money put together so that we can have a little capital to run on and THEN, I can get my camera equipment, finish school and become this amazing Photo-Journalist that I want to be. I have figured out that I want to be a feature writer. The Society pages. Yes, I want to bring real life stories to the world that will give hope, spread love and touch hearts. Whew, that just gave me chills. Oh yeah, and give people chills.
So, getting off topic I would love to share something that happened to me last night. About Five-Thirty in the morning my husbands phone rang so I answered it. I said “Hello” and what I heard just threw me. On the other end of the line a very young female voice came across asking me why I was answering her husbands phone and she said it with words I don’t care to repeat and in words I also do not want to repeat, I let her know that this was my husbands phone and that she had the wrong phone number, She then replied with a simple response, “Sure it is!” Well, at that point my husband grabbed the phone from me and hung it up. Well, that was not the end of that. The next morning that young girl was weighing heavily on my mind and I just could not help myself so, I called her back. Yes, I really did. I told her who I was and asked her if she was alright and if she had found her husband. She replied that yes, she was fine and that her husband had been at work and she honestly did not remember calling me and apologized. Then, she started to cry. That just took my heart away. Turns out that she was twenty-five years old and her parents had moved away to Alaska and she was in Kansas City. She emphasized so much on how far away they were, stating that they were three-thousand miles away and that she missed her mommy and what a daddy’s girl she really was. Her dad had come back for a short visit and so she had gone to her brother’s, which was quite a way’s from where she lived, to stay a few day’s and be with her dad and then her husband was to come and get her the next day upon getting off of work. She cried that she missed him and life was just so hard trying to grow up and be this grown-up on this big bad world that just wanted to eat her alive. I could relate so much. This girl was the same age as my daughter and my daughter is a mother of three and in the Air Force. I am so proud of her. In just a few months we will be calling her Sergeant Woodward, Mam. It amazes me that our children become so large and self sufficient at this age and it warms my heart so much to know that our children still have that longing to be mommy or daddy’s little boys and girls. I don’t believe that ever goes away. I still want my mommy almost every day and I am a grandmother myself. It also makes me remind myself about those who do not share those precious memories of childhood or those who are children that do not have that comfort that is so naturally desired by most.
I have heard lately, some complaining about the American government giving so much aid to Haiti after a horrible earthquake destroyed so much of their world and so many of their lives. It seems that some feel that there are far worse in need right here in their own country that they can not help, why are we sending money that we do not have to help another country. To some this makes no sense what-so-ever but the simple action of me listening to that inner voice that told me to call that little girl and help her was an action of one person reaching out to save another and so when I think about the issue of the American government helping Haiti and I don’t see it as one starving country trying to feed another, it is simply one person, or many, reaching out to make action happen to help another, and then, as many more as possible. Goodness, mercy, forgiveness, it all comes back around. I believe that. People get what they give. It’s seems to be a proven cycle and if some feel as if they give much more than they receive then maybe they need to really take a close look at their actions and see if the giving that they gave was self-serving in any way.
Anyway, the phone call that I made to that little girl lasted thirty minutes and she thanked me for answering that voice in my head and calling her because she needed to talk to someone so bad that would just listen, not try to solve the problem, she can do that, she just needed someone to care. It made me feel so thankful that I had been right there at that time to be that person that she needed. That’s all. It is sometimes the poor blessing the poor that makes us rich. If one American helps a person in Haiti, maybe as a direct result, an American will be helped. Think about that.
So, getting off topic I would love to share something that happened to me last night. About Five-Thirty in the morning my husbands phone rang so I answered it. I said “Hello” and what I heard just threw me. On the other end of the line a very young female voice came across asking me why I was answering her husbands phone and she said it with words I don’t care to repeat and in words I also do not want to repeat, I let her know that this was my husbands phone and that she had the wrong phone number, She then replied with a simple response, “Sure it is!” Well, at that point my husband grabbed the phone from me and hung it up. Well, that was not the end of that. The next morning that young girl was weighing heavily on my mind and I just could not help myself so, I called her back. Yes, I really did. I told her who I was and asked her if she was alright and if she had found her husband. She replied that yes, she was fine and that her husband had been at work and she honestly did not remember calling me and apologized. Then, she started to cry. That just took my heart away. Turns out that she was twenty-five years old and her parents had moved away to Alaska and she was in Kansas City. She emphasized so much on how far away they were, stating that they were three-thousand miles away and that she missed her mommy and what a daddy’s girl she really was. Her dad had come back for a short visit and so she had gone to her brother’s, which was quite a way’s from where she lived, to stay a few day’s and be with her dad and then her husband was to come and get her the next day upon getting off of work. She cried that she missed him and life was just so hard trying to grow up and be this grown-up on this big bad world that just wanted to eat her alive. I could relate so much. This girl was the same age as my daughter and my daughter is a mother of three and in the Air Force. I am so proud of her. In just a few months we will be calling her Sergeant Woodward, Mam. It amazes me that our children become so large and self sufficient at this age and it warms my heart so much to know that our children still have that longing to be mommy or daddy’s little boys and girls. I don’t believe that ever goes away. I still want my mommy almost every day and I am a grandmother myself. It also makes me remind myself about those who do not share those precious memories of childhood or those who are children that do not have that comfort that is so naturally desired by most.
I have heard lately, some complaining about the American government giving so much aid to Haiti after a horrible earthquake destroyed so much of their world and so many of their lives. It seems that some feel that there are far worse in need right here in their own country that they can not help, why are we sending money that we do not have to help another country. To some this makes no sense what-so-ever but the simple action of me listening to that inner voice that told me to call that little girl and help her was an action of one person reaching out to save another and so when I think about the issue of the American government helping Haiti and I don’t see it as one starving country trying to feed another, it is simply one person, or many, reaching out to make action happen to help another, and then, as many more as possible. Goodness, mercy, forgiveness, it all comes back around. I believe that. People get what they give. It’s seems to be a proven cycle and if some feel as if they give much more than they receive then maybe they need to really take a close look at their actions and see if the giving that they gave was self-serving in any way.
Anyway, the phone call that I made to that little girl lasted thirty minutes and she thanked me for answering that voice in my head and calling her because she needed to talk to someone so bad that would just listen, not try to solve the problem, she can do that, she just needed someone to care. It made me feel so thankful that I had been right there at that time to be that person that she needed. That’s all. It is sometimes the poor blessing the poor that makes us rich. If one American helps a person in Haiti, maybe as a direct result, an American will be helped. Think about that.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Truck Drivers the Bottom of the Career Demographics?
3:00 A.M. is a very hard time to get up and get ready for work, but low and behold, here we are early on a Monday morning still trying to make it out of Missouri and start making some real money for this truck. Patience, patience, patience.
Janurary 25, 2010, Monday
The Bottom of the Demographic Pool?
By: Annie Thompson
This is what I read in someone else’s blog about truck driver’s. This was appalling. So, I did some research and according to Donal O’Connor, a writer for The Beacon Herald, demographic profilers can only offer limited insight and their practical usefulness is debatable The conclusions drawn can not be statistically valid or reproducible so, these criticisms are not as well founded.
There are many different types of drivers out there. Many who are actually proven to be at the TOP of the career income demographics, making more income than many of those claiming to be above reproach when it comes to their income and careers. Also, in this day and time with the recession being what it is to each of us differently, having a job, getting a job and climbing the ladder to a better job should be the ultimate goal but, what about those who instead of searching for a pre-existing job, create one on their own and that is what it means to be an Owner-Operator of a trucking company. When someone owns their own truck, then they are business owners. This means they must be capable of handling many different business decisions and therefore must be educated enough to be an accountant, a driver, physically and mentally capable of handling many different and dangerous situations under a lot of pressure and have excellent communication skills. As business owners, we run, all the time. As long as our truck is running then it is making money and we are making money. This job does require you to be able to live in many different environments and at the mercy of truck stops all over the country.
You see, at home I have a lot of luxuries but out here, we get a little dirty and sometimes I don’t get my teeth brushed until ten o’clock a.m. but I can guarantee that I have had more formal training in the arts, literature, humanities and societies than most of the people claiming to be demographic profilers. Excuse me but I have lived a life that has taken me from Beverly Hills, Ca. to hog farms, dairy farms, feed mills, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, ect… and I am telling you now that all of the Gucci, Versace, Louis Vuiitton and Tiffany’s could never compete with all of the natural beauties I have been a part of traveling across the country. For example, sunsets over the Ocean, a waterfall above old winding rail road tracks in Colorado or going over a drawbridge in Portland. These are things that can never be bought, could never be reproduced and can happen only once in a lifetime. What have I bought? Nothing. What have I taken home with me? Many beautiful memories, pictures and irreplaceable moments of time. Did I get up out of my own bed and hit my own beautiful bathroom, coffee pot and drive, all pretty and smelling good to an office? Absolutely not, but I did receive the opportunity of seeing so many miracles that the heart can barely take them all in? Yes I did and if someone thinks that truckers are at the bottom of the demographic pool then they need to check the assets that they have and think real hard about where they came from. No drivers? No products. I wonder if those judging are ever hungry or they ever want to eat? If so then a little more respect for those who deliver the meat you eat and the milk you drink. Thank you.
Janurary 25, 2010, Monday
The Bottom of the Demographic Pool?
By: Annie Thompson
This is what I read in someone else’s blog about truck driver’s. This was appalling. So, I did some research and according to Donal O’Connor, a writer for The Beacon Herald, demographic profilers can only offer limited insight and their practical usefulness is debatable The conclusions drawn can not be statistically valid or reproducible so, these criticisms are not as well founded.
There are many different types of drivers out there. Many who are actually proven to be at the TOP of the career income demographics, making more income than many of those claiming to be above reproach when it comes to their income and careers. Also, in this day and time with the recession being what it is to each of us differently, having a job, getting a job and climbing the ladder to a better job should be the ultimate goal but, what about those who instead of searching for a pre-existing job, create one on their own and that is what it means to be an Owner-Operator of a trucking company. When someone owns their own truck, then they are business owners. This means they must be capable of handling many different business decisions and therefore must be educated enough to be an accountant, a driver, physically and mentally capable of handling many different and dangerous situations under a lot of pressure and have excellent communication skills. As business owners, we run, all the time. As long as our truck is running then it is making money and we are making money. This job does require you to be able to live in many different environments and at the mercy of truck stops all over the country.
You see, at home I have a lot of luxuries but out here, we get a little dirty and sometimes I don’t get my teeth brushed until ten o’clock a.m. but I can guarantee that I have had more formal training in the arts, literature, humanities and societies than most of the people claiming to be demographic profilers. Excuse me but I have lived a life that has taken me from Beverly Hills, Ca. to hog farms, dairy farms, feed mills, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, ect… and I am telling you now that all of the Gucci, Versace, Louis Vuiitton and Tiffany’s could never compete with all of the natural beauties I have been a part of traveling across the country. For example, sunsets over the Ocean, a waterfall above old winding rail road tracks in Colorado or going over a drawbridge in Portland. These are things that can never be bought, could never be reproduced and can happen only once in a lifetime. What have I bought? Nothing. What have I taken home with me? Many beautiful memories, pictures and irreplaceable moments of time. Did I get up out of my own bed and hit my own beautiful bathroom, coffee pot and drive, all pretty and smelling good to an office? Absolutely not, but I did receive the opportunity of seeing so many miracles that the heart can barely take them all in? Yes I did and if someone thinks that truckers are at the bottom of the demographic pool then they need to check the assets that they have and think real hard about where they came from. No drivers? No products. I wonder if those judging are ever hungry or they ever want to eat? If so then a little more respect for those who deliver the meat you eat and the milk you drink. Thank you.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Parking Between the Lines
Fog, Bad Luck and "I am so TIRED of being patient with life. I really want this amazing Big Rig that I know someday soon I am going to have and plenty of loads to get us moving. I can not really call this week a success. We have done nothing but go around in circles. The Maryland load was a fluke. So, moving on, we have been running local runs with very little money to get just a little money. I need $4000.00 to get our bigger rig going so that we can at least have something a little bigger than the dually until the Big Dream Rig comes into my life. Then, I will be able to concentrate more on attempting to get educated and be recognized as a photojournalist so then we can LIVE OUT OUR DREAMS. I am waiting, waiting, waiting.........
So the story for the day, Parking Between the Lines". Thanks.
Illegal , Not Parking Between the Lines apparently is worth a $30.00 ticket these day's. Well, honestly had I been parked, straddling the lines, I would have understood, but my car tire was barely touching the line, plus there was "no parking" in a corner lot on that side of my car. So, I WAS A LITTLE UPSET. If I had not had a license or a parking permit or had hit another car then I could understand the word ILLEGAL, but no, my tire was touching a stupid painted stripe in a parking lot. Being petty is more like it. Petty. Which leads to another question. Between the lines, is society as a whole making it impossible "to" park between the lines? Does society have so many available battles to offer to fight over that as a people, we really have to "pick our battles" so that we are not constantly having to fight through every moment of our lives? Every time someone does something ridiculous and someone else get angry then there is the famous "Law Suit" wick then brings on the response of another "law". Are we going overboard with the laws and the lines, the rules and the signs?
Have we reached a point where some are afraid to live for fear of making another mistake or breaking another rule? Are we afraid to move for fear the next step may be "the landmine" that takes us out, completely unaware that we have broken someone's justifyable self serving laws? Like the game Monopoly, could someone take all that we have left as retribution for breaking a law that may have been justyfiable but not neccesary and therefore leaving most of the public out of the loop on it's existance?
My personal thought, there is a lot of "petty" in this world.
So the story for the day, Parking Between the Lines". Thanks.
Illegal , Not Parking Between the Lines apparently is worth a $30.00 ticket these day's. Well, honestly had I been parked, straddling the lines, I would have understood, but my car tire was barely touching the line, plus there was "no parking" in a corner lot on that side of my car. So, I WAS A LITTLE UPSET. If I had not had a license or a parking permit or had hit another car then I could understand the word ILLEGAL, but no, my tire was touching a stupid painted stripe in a parking lot. Being petty is more like it. Petty. Which leads to another question. Between the lines, is society as a whole making it impossible "to" park between the lines? Does society have so many available battles to offer to fight over that as a people, we really have to "pick our battles" so that we are not constantly having to fight through every moment of our lives? Every time someone does something ridiculous and someone else get angry then there is the famous "Law Suit" wick then brings on the response of another "law". Are we going overboard with the laws and the lines, the rules and the signs?
Have we reached a point where some are afraid to live for fear of making another mistake or breaking another rule? Are we afraid to move for fear the next step may be "the landmine" that takes us out, completely unaware that we have broken someone's justifyable self serving laws? Like the game Monopoly, could someone take all that we have left as retribution for breaking a law that may have been justyfiable but not neccesary and therefore leaving most of the public out of the loop on it's existance?
My personal thought, there is a lot of "petty" in this world.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
UP, UP, UP AND AWAY WE GO! Except on wheels!
Jan. 19, 2010
Well, boys and girls, the show is about to begin. Take your seats and hold on tight. It's bound to be a slippery ride.
Off into the world we go, it's winter time out there. Blustery winds and snow hurricanes embellished in crystal ice.
The beastly King of Winter rears it's tremendous head and rips out of the sky avalanches of ice and snow and blows.
But, the Knightly King of the Highway pushes forth with his gallant and powerful steed, to the mountains of the East coast and on to Baltimore. This is where I am hoping you are laughing.
This will be fun. I wanted adventure so I guess this will be it. A dually and a three-car trailer and off we go. Hopefully this will find us where we need to be financially so that we can fix our big truck. Not yet a Big Rig, but it's economy size and I will suffer for now in hopes of being rewarded with a much larger and more on the side of luxury home to fit on the back of a Big Rig. So, we are off to Baltimore, Md. And then hopefully after that we will be off to Vegas to deliver a giant generator for a movie set. So this could get exciting. Hang in there with me and we will find out.
Well, boys and girls, the show is about to begin. Take your seats and hold on tight. It's bound to be a slippery ride.
Off into the world we go, it's winter time out there. Blustery winds and snow hurricanes embellished in crystal ice.
The beastly King of Winter rears it's tremendous head and rips out of the sky avalanches of ice and snow and blows.
But, the Knightly King of the Highway pushes forth with his gallant and powerful steed, to the mountains of the East coast and on to Baltimore. This is where I am hoping you are laughing.
This will be fun. I wanted adventure so I guess this will be it. A dually and a three-car trailer and off we go. Hopefully this will find us where we need to be financially so that we can fix our big truck. Not yet a Big Rig, but it's economy size and I will suffer for now in hopes of being rewarded with a much larger and more on the side of luxury home to fit on the back of a Big Rig. So, we are off to Baltimore, Md. And then hopefully after that we will be off to Vegas to deliver a giant generator for a movie set. So this could get exciting. Hang in there with me and we will find out.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Cross Roads, Wich Way Do I Go?
So as you know or may not know, I have been attempting to earn a Bachelors Degree in Photo Journalism. This is not going so well. My classes were so tight and six classes in a row with no break in between was just a ridiculous thought let alone a ridiculous action. This semester has me locked in a corner I can't get out of. So, I must move on. Not taking any action at all is worse to me than going backwards, but, this is just a break to work on my portfolio. I have only had to back up and turn around because I missed my exit. Right. I hope you are laughing because I am. I really got upset after the second day of classes and called my dad. I told him that I wanted him to get God down here because I was fed up with the way life is going and felt like he could at least present himself in person if he could create the earth and all. I was fuming mad. Nothing was going my way. I could not handle the load. I wanted someone to tell me which way to go and what to do and I would just do it because of my indecisiveness. Before you know it every way I turned a big wall was slamming down in front of me preventing me from going any direction except one. Yes, the only way out of this room is through a door that literally leads into living inside a dually with Jeff, my lover, my man, my best friend, oh my goodness, am I still going to feel this way after a couple of weeks inside a little bitty truck without a sleeper with my man. I guess we are going to see because I guess it is out to sea for me and the muck that lives amongst the highways and byways of America. Yeah, me. Listen, listen, and listen for the sarcasm. We are laughing on the outside. That is what matters. Okay, we are”Moving on”. I actually stole that saying from my best friend in the whole wide world, Jennifer Carpenter. That is one amazing woman and a great inspiration. She is the epiphany of the perfect generation x mother, wife, student......the list is endless and hopefully you will meet her here. I invite you all to interfere, interject, start something or just be plain silly on my blog and make this exciting.
I am moving on to a new part of my life and heading out into the wild blue yonder with my man. I hope you come along and see where the road takes us.
Thanks for reading
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

He is Many
He is, a sweet magic spell
And oh, how he amazes me.
A prisoner forever
In his hypnotic grip
Is this man or is this beast?
As he sleeps
Wonder entrances me
That someone so strong
Can be so soft
That all his heroic strength
That comes with the sun,
Can overwhelm me
And weaken me to my knees
I have surrendered
Completely unaware
As in a dream
Way off somewhere.
Amazing, tantalizing
Hypnotic and rare
So close now
I feel his stare.
I feel his breath
I feel his warmth
Envelope me
Overtake me.
Heaven above, hear my thanks
For all I see within those eyes.
Starlit pools of blue
That passionate stare.
It keeps me prisoner
an addiction
In that sweet magic
so very rare.
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