About Me

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Anne Thompson, Author, born in Orange County California in 1967 and raised in magical Flowering Dogwood, Show-Me- Mid-Western state of Missouri. Anne received her education from the University of Central Missouri in English Education, Creative Writing and Communication. She is married with three grown children and four Grandchildren. Anne is a self-published Author of the Five-Star Rated thriller “VISIONS” available at Amazon.com. http://tinyurl.com/bu66w8h Anne used to be an aspiring writer until a traumatic event exploded her life into a million pieces. Her goals were to bring you articles that would, take you away for a minute, shock you, make you laugh, make you go “Oh Yeah, I get that!” and to inspire. Her life used to be an adventure every day. Her life has changed and with those changes her life became a very bumpy ride. She wanted you to come along because her adventures were sure to guarantee many surprises. But, lives change. You are still welcome to come inside her mind…only if you dare.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mid-Life for The X-Generation

X-Generation ...Welcome to “Mid-Life”
Written By: Annie Thompson
June 2010

Amazing, the changes we have experienced in this lifetime of climbing from the age of zero to fifty. Record-breaking natural disasters, for example, war, economic failures among our states Litter, wait---don't get depressed there is a light at the end of the tunnel-- covers the sides of the interstates and highways and it is from these main veins going through our cities that there can be seen the desolation and ruin of buildings that have been left to crumble. Television and Entertainment are in a good running for control of our young societies in a way that scares us to death. Gangs have replaced the Mob and computers have replaced communication. We have gone from one room school houses, coal and television ending at mid-night or before to Internet education, solar panels and yes...the ever giant, looming windmill farms that can look to some as very alien. 24/7 mind-numbing hours of television to turn any ones minds to muck. But there is evidence that this generation has worked very hard to impress upon all of those that are involved in their lives a great amount of family values, respect and loyalty. This evidence can be seen at baseball games, dance recitals, church functions and almost everywhere we look but with a very different spin on parents attitudes, ages and lifestyles. What we have gotten in return for the years of love and commitment ? Well, that is for each to decide on their own.

There is a change that you may or may not already know about. Introducing itself to the X-Generation is...The Mid Life. It is real and it will and does happen to most adults. It is not an exact age but more like a moment. It is a time in life when children that you have nurtured all of their lives become adults. No one can prepare anyone else for the emotional roller-coaster ahead, but being aware of what is to come helps.

At this time parents are having to endure watching their children, as people in society, walking of cliffs basically and not being able to fix or do anything about it. We have gone from full tilt soccer parents, band parents or whatever it was that was important to the children and their future at that time which was actually dominating parents lives to (pause) Dead Silence. Some couples see each other from across the empty space, left behind by the kids, as for the first time in a very long time. Re-actions happen. It can feel as if couples realize that their relationship has been on hold. New and incredible relationships can can unfold and bloom into wonderful new and passionate love lives.

There are also heart ripping moments of shear terror and hopelessness over your kids lives. Words are not uttered, as before, but the word “No” is spoken firmly along with “My Way” and the safety net that parents had wrapped around their children is jerked away and handed back..

Parents are also going through moments when they have finally had a chance to look in the mirror, after years, it can seem and amazement occurs as to how they became this older person looking back at them and it can make a person wonder just “who” this person is supposed to be. No one can go back to where they left off before they became parents. Not to say that we ever stopped being ourselves while being a parent and, no, being a parent never ends but “parenting” does become more out of reach and impossible as our children become adults. I wonder if anyone ever thought that when they decided that they wanted to have a baby if they realized they were having another person, another human being that will have to face battles of their own, not just a child? And will that person love, respect and understand us as parents? How is going to feel when they face a problem that you can not fix?

These are all thoughts and emotions slamming the people going through the “mid” of life. The X-Generation. I believe that some parents even start treating the family pet like their kids.

Cooperation. Compromise. Compassion. Open mindedness. Faith. These will come in handy. Getting perspective of what you want the rest of your life to be, the goals need to be set. The yellow sticky notes need to be “I n Your Face” reminding you constantly of your goals as it is easy at this time in life to be lead astray by HAVING FUN! ADULT FREEDOM! WOW! Go ahead and fall for it for a while and find that wild side and as long as you realize that stepping out of your safety zone is stepping out of your bubble and you will eventually just be running with your tail between legs back to the bubble. There are scary people out there and scary happenings that you will wish you were not stuck in your head forever. Find yourselves as graduated parents and take that vacation. Fall in love again or find that lover you have not yet found. At least open yourselves up to adult freedom.

This is also a great time in life to reconnect with friends and find that “friend family” that will be with you in the older ages of life and start building on those relationships. The timing could be right to spend more time with family, yourself and re-connecting especially with your dreams. Find adventure.

What still lies ahead is up to each one of us to decide, Everything around us is changing and we must ride the tide or become another tide but movement in one direction or the other is inevitable. The perspective of applying logic and reason to emotional upheaval can often result in regaining sanity. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and wait till you hear that a baby is on the way. Grandparents. Ha! Ha!

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