About Me

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Anne Thompson, Author, born in Orange County California in 1967 and raised in magical Flowering Dogwood, Show-Me- Mid-Western state of Missouri. Anne received her education from the University of Central Missouri in English Education, Creative Writing and Communication. She is married with three grown children and four Grandchildren. Anne is a self-published Author of the Five-Star Rated thriller “VISIONS” available at Amazon.com. http://tinyurl.com/bu66w8h Anne used to be an aspiring writer until a traumatic event exploded her life into a million pieces. Her goals were to bring you articles that would, take you away for a minute, shock you, make you laugh, make you go “Oh Yeah, I get that!” and to inspire. Her life used to be an adventure every day. Her life has changed and with those changes her life became a very bumpy ride. She wanted you to come along because her adventures were sure to guarantee many surprises. But, lives change. You are still welcome to come inside her mind…only if you dare.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Otis To The Rescue

Still on a bridge...waiting to get to the other side....
Otis To The Rescue….

Who is Otis? Well, Otis is the wonderful salesman who introduced us to what we hope will be our new home. A beautiful 2005 Volvo w/70” sleeper and all the bells and whistles that we wanted. Otis was great with a deal of a lifetime. Seems it was meant to be. Fantastic personality and the kind of guy you could talk to all day. He gave us everything we asked for on a silver platter. For example, when we asked for a mechanic, he took us straight to the shop and even let us collect an oil sample for diagnostics. Never pushy or hyper.You can find him at Westfall Volvo in K.C. Mo. Best salesman I have ever spoken to and I am very picky with a personality that can really bite if you rush me. I think Otis survived. This salesman may need to buy us a stiff drink by the time this is all over.

Spent Easter praying for the truck financing to come through. It seemed as if the banker was very satisfied with the proposal so now we are waiting. Spring brings work around the house, getting it ready for it to take care of itself while we are gone. Probably till August. Being patient and hoping for the bank to come through with their promise and an oil sample to come back. perfect.

Stay tuned………..
Let me know what you think about this…….


Created By: Annie Thompson December 13, 2006


Samantha Barrington had a good life, a happy life, a normal life until... it all crashed around her with thunder and lightning like a bad nightmare. In every moment and with every breathe unbearable, shocking and unimaginable terror thrashed out at her leaving her helpless and defenseless but at the same time…..surviving.

From long ago an ancestor left her gift. A powerful gift that not only found it’s way to her after ages of being cast away but is now possessing her with an undeniably miraculous ability to see what was and what will be. Along with this gift and the help of a wonderful stranger who just happened into her life in the form of a hero, Sam is able to face the ghosts and demons that are wreaking havoc in her life.

Excitement, fear and suspense send Sam’s life on a roller coaster ride she may not survive but in the midst of it all Samantha also finds love and passion that takes her broken and terrified heart and tries to mend it…………… but will he succeed?

Mac Perry, forced into retirement from the FBI after twenty-one years on the force finds a little piece of solitude in the small town of Watch Hill Rhode Island. Thinking that he could run from his past and hide it away forever and just become a normal person with a normal life he finds himself yet again face to face with the reality that you can’t run away from bad people and that bad things will always happen and someone will always need saving.

But the only thing that could ever make Mac face that kind of life again would be because of someone he loves and Mac had never allowed himself to ever feel that for anyone because to him, the pain wasn’t worth it. Will Mac find his hand forced by love or will Mac walk away and close his eyes and his heart to someone needing help?

The rain started coming down hard. Beating on the windshield. You could see it dance on the road. The sirens were so loud and everywhere. Their red and blue lights were fighting with the rain. The high-speed chase that she knew was inevitable just became too dangerous to attempt now what with the rain pouring down so hard that they couldn’t even see the road.

”Mac, what are we going to do?” Samantha screamed. “Go, go. Don’t stop. We can’t go let them catch us. Mac! Don’t stop!”

Mac was slowing down. He started to pull off of the old highway and into an old run down trailer park. Everything was dark except for the lights from the police cars. The rain and the sirens were so loud.

“Will you hang on for me?” Mac said quietly, his head hanging down, his hair hanging in his face. He was soaked from the rain and he looked rough and run down. “Will you trust me Sam? Remember I love you. Just trust me.”

Samantha was sitting next to him. Fear was gripping every part of her being. She knew she loved him. Would love him forever. He was her hero. She was just so scared. What was happening? What was he going to do? This wasn’t supposed to happen!

Two squad cars, four uniformed officers and an unmarked vehicle were blocking their path. The uniformed officers had their weapons pulled and were surrounding the car.

”Put your hands on the steering wheel.” She heard them yell.

Mac’s door was being pulled open as he gave her one more desperately pleading look. Then he was gone, being pulled from the car. Her door was jerked open and she was being pulled out of the car. It was him! It was that man! The Detective!

“Come on Mrs. Barrington, it’s over.” The detective said.

They had Mac on the ground handcuffing him.

”What are you doing? I have what you want! Just let him go! Let Mac Go!”

“No, Mrs. Barrington. Shut up! I’m not going down for this. It has been a really long and horrible ordeal and right now you should feel lucky you’re still alive. Right now your boy wonder there has a lot of explaining to do and by the time the chief figures this all out I’ll be long gone and you, well let’s just say your body won’t be pushing up daisies in a pretty cemetery. But first we’re going to take a little drive.”

The detective drug Samantha towards his car. Samantha squirmed and twisted herself around trying to free herself. She turned around and saw Mac. They were trying to stuff him into a squad car.

“Mac! Mac! Tell them Mac! Tell them the truth! Mac! What are you doing? He is going to kill me Mac! You have to stop them!”

Mac turned around and looked at her.

“Do you trust me Sam?”

That was last thing Sam heard before she felt a blow to her head and everything went black.

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