About Me

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Anne Thompson, Author, born in Orange County California in 1967 and raised in magical Flowering Dogwood, Show-Me- Mid-Western state of Missouri. Anne received her education from the University of Central Missouri in English Education, Creative Writing and Communication. She is married with three grown children and four Grandchildren. Anne is a self-published Author of the Five-Star Rated thriller “VISIONS” available at Amazon.com. http://tinyurl.com/bu66w8h Anne used to be an aspiring writer until a traumatic event exploded her life into a million pieces. Her goals were to bring you articles that would, take you away for a minute, shock you, make you laugh, make you go “Oh Yeah, I get that!” and to inspire. Her life used to be an adventure every day. Her life has changed and with those changes her life became a very bumpy ride. She wanted you to come along because her adventures were sure to guarantee many surprises. But, lives change. You are still welcome to come inside her mind…only if you dare.

Monday, May 23, 2011

So Close to Home...

Hello there all. This just took my heart away. When my family first moved to Missouri from California in 1979, we moved to a little town of Asbury, Mo, just northwest of Joplin, Mo. We have family friends that live there. Please share and hold all of those devastated by the wild tornado's that have plagued the United Stated this year, 2011.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another set of Lyrics Dug out of the spiderwebs.

My World

By: Annie Thompson


Verse 1:

How can so many go so strong, so long

Thinking nothing’s missing and thinking nothing’s wrong.

There are souls grown so numb and cold so deep

That their hearts have grown to stone and they don’t even know

Till their bodies torn and battered long to be help by someone

Like me, held by someone, like me.


And I, I could face my world

Knowing that you love me

And I could be your girl

If there is refuge

If there is any solitude

I’d like to share it with you

And peace, peace, sweet peace you give me

Oh and it heals me

And I, I could face my world

Knowing that you love me

I could face anything

I could face my world.

Verse 2:

How can I find the words to say?

That I love you and I don’t want to go away

For you, only for you I’d live

I’d live for being alive instead of living to die

For you I would, for you I would.

And what would it take for you to see that

Living in this world is hard enough let alone being alone.

What I need, you give me. Don’t need to change a thing

You’re all that I need

To be your girl to be your queen.


And I, I could face my world

Knowing that you love me

And I could be your girl

If there is refuge

If there is any solitude

I’d like to share it with you

And peace, peace, sweet peace you give me

Oh and it heals me

And I, I could face my world

Knowing that you love me

I could face anything

I could face my world.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A New Song (revised)

Burn This Flame
By: Annie Thompson

Verse 1:
I’m being haunted by your ghost
I’m burned out
Please let it go
I can’t take no more
I want to move on with my life
And find out what was meant for me
‘Cause this can’t be it.

So why are you in my head?
I know I said goodbye
I left you long ago
And in my heart you dead
I can’t forget those words you said
So give it up baby
You can’t burn this flame
You can’t burn this flame
I put it out long ago
You can’t burn this flame.

Verse 2:
You were right there
I could barely see
In the deep dark fog
But always close to me.
I could feel your breath
I was captured, imprisoned by
What was in your eyes?
But it was nothing but lies.

(Repeat Chorus)
Verse 3:
I lost so much
When you walked away
In our place of peace is where I stayed
I waited and now suddenly
I hear your voice
Please go away
You made your choice
Quit haunting me
Quit haunting me.

(Repeat Chorus)
I fell for it.
That’s what you told me
You said you loved me
On your lips
In your kiss
Yeah, I fell for it.

( Repeat Chorus)

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Dream

The Dream

By: Anne Thompson

Dreams, do they come true? Well, I am starting to believe because a dream has come started to come true for my husband and I. Don’t get me wrong, it's not as if we have never had a dream, we have dreamed. It’s just that we also started to live and in doing so our dreams kind of got put on the backburner. That is okay but do you know that song, “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay?” when Ottis Redding say's "Seems like nothin's gone my way and nothing ever seems to change. I can do what ten people tell me to but everything remains the same." Well, It seems as if this has been my life for the last 40 yrs. To me it has always seemed as if everybody that I knew had a purpose in their lives. Like everybody else’s life was moving forward and progressing toward something and while I on the other hand hadn’t even figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up and I think I have already grown up, well, a little more responsible at least. I have just been living on autopilot.

Then life took an amazing turn. My kids started leaving the nest. Wow! What freedom. Wow! What heartache. Once the fire of freedom started to recede and the heartache started to become bearable I suddenly noticed my husband for what seemed like the first time in years as “My Man.” Not as a father or a husband but as my best friend and my lover and what do you know but we began to dream. We started wondering what we could do with the rest of our lives. We let the dreams that we had let go so many years ago back into our minds and talked about what it would take to make those dreams come true. We made a decision together and decided to make those dreams a reality. We decided to turn those dreams into a quest. Something we strove for every single day. There were many days when all we accomplished was patience. We continued our lives as they were but we strove for the dream. Each day and each week brought us closer and closer to that dream because we did whatever we could each day to make that our reality.

For us that dream has started to come true because not only are we driven but because that drive has started to produce results. We are beginning to leave our old realities behind for a new one. A reality that was once just “The Dream” has been struggled for and now we are beginning to live it. It can happen. We didn’t get to start from the same starting line as anyone else and we never had it easy in life but now that we are living our own dream, the waiting all seems to make sense.

So, the dream itself isn’t important to anyone else but that you are striving for it and not giving up, not letting go. It’s the drive a person puts into dream s that make them the reality, even if it means waiting.

So dream whatever you want and never let anything ever seem to be impossible or too unattainable. We are living proof that dreams can come true, even in your forties.

In case your curiosity is wondering what our dream is, I will tell. Mine is to be a published writer/columnist and to make a CD of my original music, and my husband’s has always been to own and operated his own home and employment on wheels, to own a Semi-truck and be the owner of his own life and decisions including financial freedom. The truck we have always dreamed of?, well it is sitting right out in front of the house, bought and paid for. No debt there. Me? Well, I’m writing this aren’t I? And I will be cutting the CD soon. So, there you go.