About Me

- Anne Surviving Changes
- Anne Thompson, Author, born in Orange County California in 1967 and raised in magical Flowering Dogwood, Show-Me- Mid-Western state of Missouri. Anne received her education from the University of Central Missouri in English Education, Creative Writing and Communication. She is married with three grown children and four Grandchildren. Anne is a self-published Author of the Five-Star Rated thriller “VISIONS” available at Amazon.com. http://tinyurl.com/bu66w8h Anne used to be an aspiring writer until a traumatic event exploded her life into a million pieces. Her goals were to bring you articles that would, take you away for a minute, shock you, make you laugh, make you go “Oh Yeah, I get that!” and to inspire. Her life used to be an adventure every day. Her life has changed and with those changes her life became a very bumpy ride. She wanted you to come along because her adventures were sure to guarantee many surprises. But, lives change. You are still welcome to come inside her mind…only if you dare.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The Way of the World Today
SO, here I am on another beautiful day, sitting on my deck
with the dog and the birds and the tree’s, peace and tranquility, looking out
into the world to see what I see. What I see is life that lives just because,
It Is. All of Mother Nature just is and it just lives. I would like to be more
like that but life forces us to be so many things that it can be so confusing.
I think I need a new dictionary because things just don’t mean what they used
to, ya know?
It’s like these kids that I have been talking about, this
girlfriend and boyfriend. At the very moments that they were together and
loving each other, anyone would bet that these kids were really, madly, in
love. They had been what I really thought was love for four years. It
was in their eyes and in their actions and how they did everything they could
for each other. It was the way they laughed with each other and took on life
together. The way he always rubbed her shoulders when they were just hanging
out around the kitchen. They loved honestly, I thought. It seemed like such a
fairy tale because you could see it in their eyes but I was naïve and realized
those were just feelings within moments that those feelings were shared. It
seems to me that every time they reached out to help other people, those people
would tear them apart, every single time! This time it only took a pretty,
adorable, sweet little sixteen year old girl who even took my heart away, to
get into the girlfriends head and make her feel and think things about the
boyfriend that were not real and she fell for it and so, instead of believing
in the boyfriends character, she believed the everything that was said about
him and they broke up, yet again for the fourth and last time.
It is so sad, the reason it is so sad for me is because
these are young adults that were kids together and both facing life with
difficult disabilities that made life hard enough, then to lose each other.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Way of the World Today
So, this is the way of the world today. Today, continuing on
from yesterday, my friend had to get the police involved because his little
girlfriend had been brainwashed into believing that my friend has now become
evil, overnight and decided to spend her morning driving by his house and
trying to provoke a fight so, the police were called in and the situation was
handled very well.
So, the sixteen year old girl did a number on my friend and
his girlfriend and now they have broken up. It is so sad. They were such a
great couple.
So what I learned today is that anyone, and I mean anyone
can say “I love you” one day and not mean it the next because of other’s people
getting involved and turning people against each other. It’s almost like people
thrive on drama that is hurtful and painful. What I learned is that people need
to say, “I love you right now”, instead of for life because you never know what
is going to happen from one day to the next. Another friend of mine told me
that although her husband is a bad man, she would rather give her love to him
than to her own mother. And with life being this way in so many situations,
exactly what does “I love you” mean anymore?
As you can tell from my posts, I am a writer that never
leaves her home. Absolutely! I have been out in the world and as of two years
ago, I said never again. I have been working all of my life and been fired,
made to cry everyday till I quit, demoted till I quit, fired because of made up
stories and humiliated. I went back to school at forty and developed a disease
that made it hard for me to see and then I was raped. Now, I do what I can from
home because I am not going out there again! The only way that I would ever
leave this house again is if my husband told me we were moving to Nanaimo, British
Columbia, the most beautiful place I have ever been in my life.
I write, that is what I do and I think that this blog is
going to have a new name that will be called, “The Way of the World Today” and
it will be based on the behaviors of society and what people are doing to each
other out there so that maybe we can all stop and check ourselves and see
exactly what we are doing to each other as we try to make it through this life
Thank you and this is me signing out for The Way of the
World Today.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The Way of the World
The Way of the World
Today he was supposed to babysit for this family made up of
a mom and three kids that just moved into town, in fact, this guy I know had helped them move for his girlfriend, need
I say this again? For the girlfriend.
Him and his girlfriend helped this family move into town alright. They found
them a place to rent, they babysat and toted the little two year old around and
ran here and ran there running errands, unloading boxes, cleaning and the like.
The oldest is a girl of sixteen years of age and already has the
responsibilities of an adult parent with her nine year old sister and her two
year old little brother. At first sight, I thought She was a sweet girl.
But, today when my friend arrived to babysit this little two
year old so the mom could go to work and the sixteen year old and nine year old
could go to school the sixteen year old girl proceeded to yell and scream at
him and call him everything in the book. Why? Well, his pickup broke down and
the mom in this situation was letting him use one of their vehicles for helping
her with her kids. That was working until my friend faced this unruly sixteen
year old girl telling him that the vehicle he was using was hers and that it
had been her birthday present and she wanted her keys and for him to leave and
to get out!
That was it! He dropped her keys and he left. Walked right
out and started heading down a long stretch of dirt road to call me to come get
him. I even tried to talk to the sixteen year old but she wanted nothing to do
with me.
So, here I sit back in my little room after having left for
a dramatic showing of life. My friend is so upset. His girlfriend who he was
doing this all for was Two-Hundred miles away at a very serious Dr.’s
appointment and he was so worried about her and he was trying to explain things
over the phone to the “mom” in this situation and he knew that his hands were
tied. The sixteen year old stayed home to take care of the two year old and
proceeded to text the “girlfiend” all the rest of that day filling her head
full of lies about my friend and trying to tear my friend and his girlfriend
apart. It was awful. My son refused to babysit again because of the sixteen
year old and for a Twenty-One year old man, babysitting a two year old when the
sixteen year old girl is in the house trying to get ready for school is a
set-up waiting to happen for the Twenty-One year old boy and that was no place
for him to be. The situation was all in good intentions but I think things are
about to get worse. This sixteen year old girl and her little family, I think,
have just taken my friend and his girlfriend on a ride and it may not be over
There was also a situation with the borrowed vehicle that
was nothing but an incident involving my friend when he tried to back out the
day before and almost hit an installation van. He didn’t but the sixteen year
old sure decided that because of that and that my friend raised his voice to
her when she yelled at him and that automatically made her go into a defensive
mode because she knew she over stepped big time and wasn’t sure what he was
going to do because she does not know him. She used those two things to decide
that my friend was a bad guy and proceeded to treat him as such and to make
everyone in her path believe this too.
I think I know why. You see, this guy is Twenty-One years
old and has Autism. Most people do not know that he has this. It’s something
that has so very little effect on him that no one knows until he yells. Then he
gets loud. Most of the time he knows how
to control it but, he also has a very hard time understanding other peoples
expressions and whether they are angry or kidding around. This man is a
wonderful man. He is so kind and understanding. He is so sweet and has never
been rude in his life. His manners are impeccable and he just loves everyone.
I think that knowledge may have been involved with the
sixteen year old girl’s feelings towards him.
The lesson learned here is that in the world, the way it is
today, so many people have been so hurt by one another that judgment gets
passed before anyone even knows each other. Life has made it that way. People
have to make snap decisions on each other because there are so many bad people out there that safety does
not allow time to get to know someone before you judge because if the person is
bad and they get one second into your life then, you could lose everything,
even your life.
I see no answer to this other than to except it for
something that can’t be changed. All the people are hurting each other so much
that no one can be anything for anyone else because of fear, and rightful fear.
This is the way of the world today.
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