About Me

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Anne Thompson, Author, born in Orange County California in 1967 and raised in magical Flowering Dogwood, Show-Me- Mid-Western state of Missouri. Anne received her education from the University of Central Missouri in English Education, Creative Writing and Communication. She is married with three grown children and four Grandchildren. Anne is a self-published Author of the Five-Star Rated thriller “VISIONS” available at Amazon.com. http://tinyurl.com/bu66w8h Anne used to be an aspiring writer until a traumatic event exploded her life into a million pieces. Her goals were to bring you articles that would, take you away for a minute, shock you, make you laugh, make you go “Oh Yeah, I get that!” and to inspire. Her life used to be an adventure every day. Her life has changed and with those changes her life became a very bumpy ride. She wanted you to come along because her adventures were sure to guarantee many surprises. But, lives change. You are still welcome to come inside her mind…only if you dare.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dreams can come true!!!

Well life has been a little shaky in this adventure Jeff and I are on. St. Louis is over, we went broke again, trucks not working but then, we got a welcome gift of $4000.00 of unexpected money and wow, we felt like we had a new chance at life. Then back at home we realized that our house needed desperate work, my van that I have been letting my son borrow needed $500.00 worth of work, Dr. Appt's, med's, you name it, we had to use the money. Okay so now we are caught up on bills. This is good but we are still dead in the water without any Insurance, or a running truck, or any loads to pull. Now what? Okay I'll tell you. We prayed. We waited and within 24 hrs we received an okay from the bank to find a truck and a 1 yr. lease with a company. So, roller-coaster ride starting to take effect now in our brains and stress levels now are going up and down. Up and Down and all over the place. Yes. We are now in the process of finding a truck. We have $15,000.00 to find a truck and get all of the essentials and then we will finally be hitting the road. There will be a little heartache in all of this though that I just won't get over. The greatest support team ever. Our family and my friends.

My dream of being the Trucking Photojournalist may not be too far off. I just need to convince the greatest photographer ever in the world to realize that my dream includes his magic. His name is Chad Moffit. This guy is amazing. He does not just capture life on still life, he captures emotion that is unmistakable. No one that experiences his work can skirt the chills that will accompany the vision. That magic mixed with my writing is going to hit the scene someday and those of you that who read this will not mistake the art when you finally see it for being the work of these two particular amazing artists.

Do you remember these words?
By: Annie Thompson

Lady, gentleman, proper, manners, dignity, self respect and the respect of others. When exactly did these attributes get lost in our societies? It is ridiculous for us, as people in this world to be shocked and appalled by the storms that rage in our social climate. But, surprisingly enough, we do still stand shocked and appalled by all of the evil behaviors that are running rampant in our societies. In one word, “Criminal”. But the word criminal to some could be seen as an opinion. I myself wish that I did not know what “What the f*” means. To some it is derogating to their sense of behavior. To some “Gangster” implies “bad”, a crime, criminal but, for some it is becoming a cultural behavior that some actually take pride in.

In these times that we live in with all of the different cultures and ethnic backgrounds, cultural individuality can be hard to achieve and maybe that is why so many societies are representing themselves to the rest of us in ways that quite frankly, freak us out. Because they are trying to create a new culture or change an old one. I don’t think I will ever understand the gangster and mob cultures. That behavior from our young generation not only freaks me out but I would prefer it to totally elude me. Including the pants around the ankles fashion.

Young parents out there today, I hope, are attempting to bring back the responsibility of our ancestors to pass on respectable, strong, healthy, loyal and honest values of once strong and stable cultural societies. So that they can rise up strong and proud as a representation or each ones culture.

What it is that this young generation has to come against are the adult monster raging in their castles sending out the messages to our society as a whole of desires for power, domination, control, the all mighty dollar and cold heartedness. If I remember right aren’t these some of the attributes that started the Trojan war and have been causing war ever since?

I have met and know quite a few young parents that are wielding our future societies and there could be a rainbow on the horizon. It seems that they are working very hard on bringing back the simpler values of life and striving to see life come as close as it can to the wonderful life of the ’70’s. Yeah, cool man.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Want Your Love

Hi, Baby, my dog has decided that she is not going to look at me anymore because she is still stuck in this hotel with us and “It’s raining!”.

Well, I am back and have been pretty busy trying to get a handle on this trucking company. Trying to teach myself everything I need to know about this business and LOOKING FOR THE MONEY. Of course there is loads of data created everyday that creates the money trail of this companies existence. We are still in St. Louis, Mo. That is all I have to say about that. Still waiting for the “Moving On” part of this gypsy life journey.

I want to ask a question. Why is it that when it comes to love, and yes we all fall in love, but why is it that we always allow people to break our hearts? We end up going through that devastating pain of loosing someone because they just don’t want you and experiencing all these bad feelings of rejection and the worst, being made to cry. But, we still end up jumping right back out there without even thinking about it. I hate it when another person is able to make me cry. That means they made me feel. Feelings can really get to a person and not necessarily in good ways. Some would say that the passion and romance is worth it. Still there are others that avoid love at all costs.
But still, we have evolved into a very needy society bent on making others love us and some never keep trying. Even after we get married we still seem to fall in love with other people but in different ways. Maybe this happens because we will always want to know that there is something inside of us that another person can fall in love with. Maybe a lot of us ask that question. “I know my husband/wife loves me but could anyone else ever fall in love with me?”. Or, have I just asked the unforgivable question in the sanctity of marriage? I am looking forward to hearing some responses on this.
